Welcome To Hawkins

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── Welcome To Hawkins !

"THERE ISN'T ANYTHING to show Max here, mum" Harley groaned closing the front door closed, stepping inside the house. Her voice bounced off the empty walls as she dropped Billy's keys onto the single coffee table that was placed in the centre of their living room.

                                       Everything the family owned was still packed away tightly in the brown boxes scattered around the rest of the house.

               The house was a lot bigger than what the Mayfield's lived in when they lived in California, she had to buy an entire new bed, dressers and a vanity with mirrors to make up for the space that was left when she originally unpacked.

      Dropping her purse on the table, she made her way to the kitchen area. Harley had really wished to find something even the slightest bit interesting to show Max, who she knew was just equally devastated about the move.

                                                           It was pretty obvious that Hawkins Indiana was just as boring and simple as any other small towns available.

"You'll find something" Faye reassured her daughter, Harley glanced over the large boxes that were placed on the kitchen island to see her mother placing different wine bottle in the holder.

                  "Right," She mumbled, pulling her jeans up. "Just because you have a bar to escape your sorrows in."

     "What was that?" Her mothers head peaked over the boxes, eyebrow raised.

                                             Harley laughed dryly, "Nothing" She lied, clearing her throat while walking over to the fridge grabbing a drink.

              "Where's Max?" She questioned taking a sip of her drink. "In her room" Her mother waved her hand.

                                                       The pink haired girl knocked on her sisters door, no matter how close they were. It was a habit they had grown up on, they knew their parents were sober when they would knock.

But if they weren't sober, they would just barge right on in. So the girls grew up to knock on every single door before walking in there.

                              Harley flopped face first down onto the younger girls bed, Max moving out of the way allowing her sister to get comfortable.

        "So.." Max adjusted herself to look at her sister. "How is this place looking so far?" She questioned.

                                            "Fucking awful" Harley replied, voice muffled by the blanket her face was squished into. "Complete upgrade house wise but utter downgrade with things to do" Max's face saddened at this piece of information.

   "They have an arcade, only thing I seen that I knew you would like" Harley pushed herself into a sitting position.

                   "Maybe I could take you?" Harley asked, Max closed the book she had in her hands. "Yeah, that would be great".

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now