We Were Drugged

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── We Were Drugged !

THE THREE OF them sat at the back of the truck that Dustin had stolen, Harley was led down screaming.

                             "Jesus!" Steve yelled at a particularly sharp turn, "Slow down!".

         "Yeah!" Robin agreed, also shouting. "What is this like the Indy 500?" Robin yelled over the screams. "It's 300!" Steve corrected as the began to argue whether it was 500 or 300.

                 "Let's say," Harley cut in, staring at the ceiling thoughtfully. "A million!" They all broke out into a fit of laughter. "What is wrong with them?" Erica asked looking at the three of them sprawled out on the floor. "I don't know!" Matthew yelled as Harley reached through the cage and pressed a random button that made them speed up. "Holy shit! This really is like the roller coaster you were talking about Matt!" She yelled throwing her hands in the air.

   "Dustin watch out!" Erica warned and before he could react the vehicle crashed into a bunch of barrels, sending the three in the back flying.

                                         "I want pizza" Harley complained jumping as the back door flew open revealing Matthew stood with Dustin and Erica staring at them with unimpressed looks. "Come on we need to go, now!" Matthew instructed as the three stumbled out of the vehicle.

"Russians sure know how to make death traps!" Harley shouted jumping up onto a shelf once they reached the elevator.

       "Uppity we go! Weeeee!" She rolled off of the shelf, falling into the ground next to a red platform where Steve stood.

                              "Hey," Robin called out "It looks like you're surfing!" She shouted as Harley stood up and joined Steve on the dolly.

              "Wahoo!" The two yelled.

    "They seem drunk!" Erica shouted over the trio yelling. "Why would they be drunk?" Matthew snapped, "They seem drugged."

                                                  Suddenly Harley and Steve flew to the ground landing on top of cardboard boxes. "Wipeout!" Robin yelled as Harley burst into a fit of laughter "This is the best day ever!"

Dustin crouched over Harley and put the back of his hand to her head "She's burning up" Dustin informed Matthew. "I'm burning up!? Does that mean I'm going to be on fire!" She asked panicking turning to Steve who looked at her in horror. "Her pupils are super dilated" Matthew bent down to look at Harley, "They're drugged."

                "Steve! Harley!" Dustin shook their shoulders "Are you drugged?" He stared at them as they laughed.

      "How many times mom, I don't do drugs, just marijuana" Harley mumbled as Steve burst out laughing. "This isn't funny okay! I need you to tell me what they did to you!" Erica yelled.

                                "I can tell you," Robin hiccuped. "They stuck big needles in our necks full of some substance, like vampires!" Robin shouted excitedly. "Oh, my god we're vampires Steve!" Harley shouted standing up only to fall backwards onto the ground.

                                                  "So they stuck needles in you? What the hell! Are you gonna die on us?" Matthew rushed to Harley making sure she was okay.

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now