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── Lovebirds !

         "I DON'T UNDERSTAND," Robin admitted when they started to explain, rushing down the stairs to get away from the machine. "You've seen this before?"

"Not exactly" Steve marched forward "Then what, exactly?" Robin questioned. "All you need to know is that it's bad," Dustin said, and Harley glanced at the panicked look on his face.

                                 "Really bad" She added.

       "Like end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad" Matthew spoke quickly. "And you know about this how?" Robin questioned, disbelief clouding her voice.

                                              "We've been through this before" Harley informed her. "Harley?" Robin asked staring behind her "Where's your russian friend?"

                  They all glanced to where the unconscious man was supposed to be, soon realizing that he wasn't there. An alarm blared, and red lights began to flash. Harley glanced out the window to see him clutching his bleeding head and pointing to the room they were in.

"Oh you son of a bitch! I will not hesitate to fucking hit you again!" Harley shouted about to march towards the door but Steve quickly grabbed her "Harley!" he snapped.

                                          "Not the time."

           Steve ushered them back into the room where the gate was being opened and they sprinted through the room, hardly missing the russians. Harley nearly face planted while running down a flight of stairs, but caught herself thanks to Matthew grabbing her arm.

                          Dustin dramatically shrieked, and pushed a man with a mask on out of the way.

     The five of them ended up at the front of the machine, the power from it blowing the hair out of Harley's face into Steve's mouth.

                                                     "Holy shit! Holy shit! HOLY SHIT!" Dustin was screaming. There was nothing to do other than stare at eachother hopelessly as the guards began to surround the group of teenagers.

"This way!" Steve ordered, pulling Harley by the arm as they ran down another flight of stairs. Harley roughly shoved a man during the process as more guards appeared around the corner, Matthew swore and pushed a bunch of barrels onto them.

                They ran into a room, Steve and Harley quickly shut the door behind them, struggling to hold it closed as multiple russian men began to pound against it.

    Robin hurriedly ran to their rescue, forcing it to stay shut with her body weight but it was obvious that the three of them wouldn't hold it for much longer.

                               "Here!" Erica yelled, picking up a panel off the floor "Come on!" Matthew, slid it across the floor.

          "Just go!" Steve ordered and Matthew looked back and forth between Harley and the younger kids. "Look after them and tell Max I love her, please" Harley smiled softly.

                                            "Go!" The three remaining yelled just as Matthew's head disappeared out of sight and the russians took control of the door, flinging them backwards onto the floor.

Harley screamed and struggled against the guards as they dragged her through the halls. "Get off me you piece of shit!" She yelled as they threw her in a room. Looking up she saw Steve and Robin being dragged in aswell, her heart dropped when she saw the state they had left Steve in.

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now