Season Two ─ Nervous .

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── Season Two . NERVOUS
" should i be quiet?
uh, come on, be silent "


                           To say Harley didn't know what was installed for her when moving to the small town of Hawkins was an understatement, she was about to find out the hard way that there really is more to this world than what you're taught in life. The world really did have monsters, not the types your parents warn you about when talking to strangers, actual monsters. Harley wasn't ready to find out that there was an entire new dimension and she would have to fight monsters with a face that opens up like a flower.

         The small town of Hawkins was apparently always such a quiet place, no trouble throughout the entire place. However, it would never be the same for a small group of teenagers, one chief and loving mother that is willing to do anything to get her son back to normal again. All Harley wished for was to have a normal teenage life, you know? parties, friendships, loving parents and good grades but when she found out about the monsters that lurked under the town that whole idea of a perfect teenage life came crashing down and there was nothing she could do about it apart from try her best to protect the ones she loves the most.

                  Harley never believed in the whole idea of love, just thinking about it made the girl shiver and shut down. Sure she had her parents relationship to look up to but it wasn't the best example considering all the two of them would do is argue so their relationship was nothing compared to the relationships the young girl had watched over the years. She wanted someone to make her feel special, like she was the only thing that mattered to them in the world, she wanted to have that cliche kiss that makes her lift her leg up but nobody in Hawkins seemed to be on the same page as her.

    That was until she finally began to see Steve Harrington in a completely different light.

                See the two have hated eachother ever since Harley moved to Hawkins but they could have at least been friends and not just have to fake it for Matthew and Nancy if Steve hadn't decided to push her in a puddle one day, completely ruining the new pair of flares she had recently bought herself.

She can remember that day as if it was yesterday, while walking into school after it rained the previous night. Music blasting through her walkman cassette player as it was attached to her hip when all of a sudden she was drenched from head to toe as the underneath of her thighs began to burn.

                    Looking up from the ground she saw Steve Harrington and his pathetic friends looking down at her with a smirk plastered across their faces, shaking her head she stood up and connected her hands to the slightly taller boys shoulders. Shoving him as far as her strength would allow him to go.

                            "What the fuck was that for Harrington!" Harley groaned as her clothes stuck to her body, walking away from the group while Nancy and Matthew ran up to the girl to apologise for the boys behaviour. And ever since that very day it made the girl believe no boy in Hawkins actually knew how to treat a girl right so she opted to never believe in the idea of love unless they really showed it like the boys in movies did. Sure Matthew loved the girl but it wasn't the type of love you would believe it to be, the two became very close after bumping into each other in the corridor, they became like siblings; attached to the hip at all times.

If there was anything Harley hated more than anything in the world, it was school. Don't get her wrong she adored seeing Nancy and Matthew daily it made going to school so much better, she hated the whole going to lessons and being stuck behind Steve Harrington and her step brother; Billy Hargrove in every single class she had.

That was another thing Harley couldn't stand, Steve and Billy.

She hated how Steve was the biggest asshole in Hawkins, one could only hope his brain was as big as he made his hair to be but unfortunately that wasn't the case for Hawkins High's 'King'. It annoyed her how he ruined a brand new pair of flares she bought herself and even though she would tell people that wasn't the reason she hated him ── she definitely still held a grudge against the boy.

     She also hated how Billy always let his anger out on her and Max. If he was irritated he made it everyone's problem and because they were in the same classes he'd purposely talk about subjects that he knew would piss of the pink haired girl, resulting in her being sent out the class on multiple occasions for calling the boy a twat.

Harley didn't mind the way a lot of people spoke around the school but she hated the way you could hear Steve from the other side of the corridor, maybe it was just the way he spoke to her? She'd never know. 

    Steve always had some snarky comment to say to the pink haired girl, resulting in Matthew defending the girl.

          However, all the talk that Harley had spoken about for the eighteen years she lived all changed one day in 1984 after he showed he actually cared about her and Max. That was one thing she grew to adore about Steve, he was really good with kids. Not only that but there was just some certain way she had caught Steve looking at her, she was never one to really blush but it was just the way Harley watched as his eyes really took in every little feature on her face.

               It made her feel loved, not in the way you feel loved about your family but actual love like in the romantic movies.

" It's always been you Harls, I
just couldn't see clearly "
── Steve Harrington .

" You've made me believe in
the idea of love Steve and I love it "
── Harley Mayfield .

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