Light It Up

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── Light It Up !

"CLOSING THE GATE will kill Will, he's apart of the army." Mike explained, "So, we need to get it out of him before we try kill anything" Matthew spoke, glancing around the table.

      Mike nodded. "We need to get the Mind Flayer out of Will," He said. "If it's like a virus, and Will's the host, we need to make the host uninhabitable."

                     Joyce inhaled sharply. "He likes it cold..." She muttered, nodding her head.

Harley remembered what she learnt in her biology class before she moved, if you had a virus you had to make yourself uninhabitable for it to leave your body.

                                                  "If he likes it cold," Nancy began, "We need to burn it out of him."

    "We need to do it somewhere he doesn't know this time." Dustin spoke, Harley looked around the group with a slight frown── She would of suggested to the group that they could do it at her and Max's house but then remembered that Anthony and Faye were probably home.

                             Hopper sighed, "I know a place." Harley straightened her back, while she didn't know Will much she still wanted to help him. She needed to help them.

The group had decided on a plan, Hopper chucked Jonathan his house keys, trusting the boy enough that he wouldn't destroy anything. He would drive them to the cabin ── them being Will, Nancy, Joyce and Matthew. Harley had situated herself on the porch steps, her legs were tightly pressed against her chest as she stared forward occasionally taking a drag on the cigarette tightly gripped between her fingers.

                    Her green eyes landed on Nancy, Matthew and Steve; the three of them lifted clutter from the ground, a flashlight being the only source a light between them.

      She could see Matthew's mouth moving as he squinted his eyes to Steve but she couldn't exactly hear what he was saying, her eyes then moved to look at Nancy who was stood there with a smile.

                                               In unison, the three of them turned her way. Harley had to refrain herself from choking on the cigarette smoke that was lingering in her throat, her shot to her shoes as she began to play with the laces of her beat up doc martins. She could feel their stares burning onto her, her skin becoming hot under their stares.

                    Harley moved to her feet, flicking the finished cigarette to the ground. Her hair blew in the slight breeze as she made her way towards Hopper.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" She questioned as she leaned on the window of his truck. Harley watched as the older man began to think, "I need you to get rid of any sign about what happened from that house, okay? Can you do that?" He questioned, Harley nodded with a smile.

                                         Matthew had his head hanging out the window of Jonathan's car, "I'll see you soon, Harls" He called out to her, a massive grin plastered on his face as a few strands of his blonde hair covered his eyes.

         Harley rolled her eyes, "See you soon, don't do anything stupid" She smiled brightly back at her best friend.

    To other people, it would look like they had feelings for each other but they both knew it was nothing like that and Harley couldn't wait for her best friend to come back.

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now