Evil Russians

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── Evil Russians !

HARLEY SAT THERE slurping her milkshake watching as Dustin was reading through a translation book and Steve was pacing back and forth, eating a banana. "You do know none of this makes any sense, right?" She asked taking a bite out of a cherry.

"Well, I thought that we could──" Suddenly, Robin's voice rang out from the front counter. Cutting Dustin off "Steve!"

Nobody replied. Instead they began to listen harder to the words the russians began to repeat over and over again. Dustin stopped the tape and turned to the two older teenagers "So, what do you think?" He asked with some hope.

"I think that you're asking the wrong people, I only know two languages and that's english and spanish. Not russian plus I wouldn't even bother asking Steve he can hardly speak english" Harley shrugged, ignoring the offended look plastered on Steve's face.

"It sounded familiar," Steve pointed out, completely ignoring Robin's calls once again.


"The music!" Steve shoved the last piece of banana in his mouth, making his words come out as muffles. "Wow real attractive, Steve" Harley mumbled, grimacing at the sight before her.

"The music at the end," Steve carried on. "Why are you listening to the music Steve!" Dustin snapped "Listen to the russian! Translate the russian!" Dustin slammed his hands on the table causing Harley to scream, "You asshole! Was there any need for that!" She yelled throwing a banana at his head.

Robin bursted through the door, "Alright, Steve babysitting time is over I'm sure Harley is more than capable of looking after Dustin by herself. Get out there" Her eyes landed on the whiteboard that was covered in russian letters. "Hey! My board. That was important data shitbirds!"

"I can guarantee you, what we're doing is way more important than your data" Dustin protested "Yeah?" Robin challenged.

"Yeah!" Dustin yelled as Harley rolled her eyes. "And how do you know these russians are up to no good anyway?" Robin asked catching the boys off guard.

"How do you know about the russians?" Dustin asked, turning to Harley "How does she know about the russians?"

"Maybe because you have a massive mouth and can't stay quiet!" Harley yelled, "Yeah, she's right I could hear you all the way by the counter."

"You think you have evil russians plotting against our country, on tape. And you're trying to translate it but you haven't figured out a single word because the only other person in this room with any braincells, besides me only knows spanish. Oh, and the fact russians use a completely different alphabet then we do. Sounds about right?" Robin smirked and leaned forward to grab the tape but Steve snatched it out of her grasp.

"Woah, what are you doing?" Steve questioned.

"I wanna hear it," Robin shrugged going to grab it again. "Why?" Dustin suspiciously eyed her "Maybe because she can help dickheads" Harley sighed grabbing the tape from Steve's grasp and chucking it towards Robin.

"Come on! It's your turn to sling ice cream and my turn to translate, I don't even want credit I'm just bored" Robin dragged out the last word to add emphasis, holding out the scooper to Steve who glanced at Harley with an annoyed look before grabbing it and walking out the break room.

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