Enjoying The View

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── Enjoying The View !

HARLEY WAS CROUCHED behind a fake decorative plant, with Steve and Dustin. The three of them were on the look out for 'secret russian spies' as Dustin called them.

"What exactly am I looking for here, there's like hundreds of people here!" Harley complained turning to Dustin with a frown. "Russian spies" He reminded her. "Well no shit Sherlock" Harley mumbled passing the binoculars to Steve as he looked around the mall.

"Also look for earpieces, camo, dufflebags that sort of thing" Dustin told Steve. "Hey! Why'd you tell him that and not me!" She whispered, slightly offended.

"Because Harley, you don't really have the best eye sight between us," Dustin sighed, dramatically.

"You two are the worst spies ever! I don't know why Steve is currently looking at a girl when he has the perfect two right infront of him!" Dustin complained smacking the back of Steve's head as Harley's face scrunched up in confusion.

"Why did you say that in plural? What do you mean two?" Harley crossed her arms, eyebrows furrowed.

"Dustin thinks I'm in love with you and have a thing for Robin" Steve informed her, Harley just wanted to understand why everybody thought her and Steve had a thing for each other but she didn't want people to think that she was the one in love with Steve.

"Well do you have a thing for Robin?" She questioned.


"Yes!" Dustin said at the exact same time as Harley rolled her eyes and turned away from the boys.

Steve turned around and glared at the boy before throwing a punch at his shoulder. "Stop making her mad at me do you know how scary it is to work with her knowing she's mad at me! First you claim you have a girlfriend hotter than Phoebe Cates and now you're trying to make my best friend mad at me!" Steve scolded as Harley turned around.

"How exactly did you manage to score a beautiful girlfriend in the first place? Especially if she's hotter than Phoebe Cates," Harley questioned.

"That's right with the advice, I give you the advice, you follow through. Not the other way around, got it peebrain!" Dustin rolled his eyes at Steve's little outburst before sharing an annoyed look with Harley.

"Target acquired" Dustin announced as the couples heads shot up scanning the mall. "Where?" Steve questioned finding absolutely nothing.

"Ten o'clock, Sam Goody's."

"Give me that!" Harley demanded leaning over and grabbing the binoculars to see what he was on about "Holy shit" She mumbled passing them to Steve.

A blonde guy, with sunglasses and a dufflebag that wasn't smiling, walked on the first floor of the mall. "Dufflebag" Steve pointed out.

The three of them all turned to eachother. "Evil russians" Was all they said before the chased after the guy. Harley immediately connected her hand with Steve's attempting not to get swallowed alive by the sea of people. They all ran up the escalator and Harley found herself barging into an older man who immediately threw a fit.

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now