It's A Kids Game

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── It's A Kids Game !

THE FIVE OF them walked at a past pace through the forest, Harley's eyes were glued to floor trying to make sure she didn't face plant the earth with one wrong step.

Slowly a fence began to come into their view and the edge of the tree line came to an end. Suddenly a bright light began to shine out to them, Harley slapped her hand up to her face to stop it from blinding her.

                "Who's there?" A familiar voice shouted out, "Why are you trying to blind us!" Harley called out as the group began walking out of the forest.

    "Harley?" Matthew questioned, "Jonathan?"

                                                  "Nancy?" Steve eyed his ex girlfriend suspiciously as Matthew wrapped his arms tightly around Harley.

"What are you doing here?" Nancy questioned, glancing at the group of teenagers.

                           "What are you doing here?" Harley crossed her arms over her chest stepping away from Matthew.

        "We're looking for Will and Mike" Nancy replied, "They're not in the lab, right?" Dustin questioned, waving his hand towards the lab.

  "We aren't too sure" Matthew looked over to the lab as darkness emitted from the building. "Why?" Jonathan wondered, his tone showing obvious signs of worry.

                                                   Harley couldn't blame him for being worried, if it was Max inside the building she would be just as worried as him.

The sound of Demodogs intensified suddenly, "That's why" Harley pointed out as the group began to argue back and forth.

                         "The powers back!" Nancy shouted causing the group to stop arguing, Jonathan rushed towards the guard station pressing random buttons which didn't seem to work.

     "Let me try!" Dustin ordered, pushing past the older boy.

                                          "So bossy for such a small child" Harley mumbled watching as Jonathan complied to Dustin's command, instantly the curly haired boy began to press the same buttons until the door slid open. "You genius child!" Harley smiled, messing his hair up.

Harley and Steve leaned against the guard station as the group was separated into groups, Dustin was much more towards the left pacing back and forth the gate, Lucas and Max stood next to each other.

              "We almost died tonight," Harley whispered breaking the silence that had fallen between the two of them. "Yeah," Steve agreed, his eyes softening as they met Harley's.

                              The two jumped slightly at the sound of Jonathan slamming his hand down on the horn. The Chief's car pulled up behind Jonathan's and Harley realised there was no room left once Steve sat next to Max.

     "Just sit on his lap! We don't have time to sort seats out!" Hopper shouted as Harley jumped in the car landing on Steve's lap while he slammed the door shut behind her.

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now