A New Start For You

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── A New Start For You !

IT WAS SLIGHTLY ironic that Harley Mayfield has never had a healthy relationship in her life, I mean she was packing to move to a completely different place so her mother could get away from her father.

She didn't want to leave her dad, even though Dave was always in and out of jail, he was the only parent who actually showed her and Max the slightest bit of love growing up.

Max knew from the moment her parents announced that they were planning on getting a divorce that she wanted to stay with her mother, in the young ginger girls eyes that woman couldn't do anything wrong.

However, Harley wanted to stay with Dave. The pink haired girl has never had any luck; She's never been able to guess right in a game of 'Heads or Tails' or even the simple game of 'Ispy' so when the judge decided that Faye was taking full custody of the two sisters her world was shattered into a million pieces and nobody could put them back together.

When those stupid words came out of the judges mouth. Harley broke down in tears, she loved her dad and it destroyed her heart that she would never be able to see him unless she coincidentally bumped into him on the streets. She would never understand why their parents couldn't share custody with her and Max, at least she wouldn't have to pack to move away forever.

                     Deep down she knew she would of had to stay with Faye.

In her eyes that wasn't really her mother it was just someone she saw around the house from time to time, usually with a bottle of wine in her hand.

                                 Her whole life came crashing down when her mum had met Anthony, she didn't understand how her mother could move on just weeks after she was divorced. It didn't help that Anthony's son was a complete twat.

             Billy always found some type of way to irritate the girls whether it was from the way he would blast his music loudly, chew loudly or even purposely say some snarky comment about the girls father.

         Harley was snapped out of her thoughts when Max ran into her room with a brown box labelled 'HARLEY'S ROOM BOX SIX'.

     "Anthony told me to bring you this" Max dumped the box on the floor, "Thanks" Harley mumbled before standing up and making her way to the closet area of her room.

                            When her mother and Anthony were planning on moving to Hawkins, all her mother was saying to her was 'it can be a new start for you'. All Harley wanted to do was scream, she didn't want a fresh start.

She just wanted her dad.

               "I'm going to miss him" Max whispered causing Harley to look up from where she was placing different books in the small brown box to see the young girl holding a photo frame of the whole family together. "Yeah.." Harley paused looking to her door frame to see if anyone was there.

                                            Anthony hated when the girls spoke about their dad, according to him they should be grateful that he looks at them like his own kids because not everybody would be as lucky as them.

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now