He Ate Mews, What The Hell

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── He Ate Mews, What The Hell !

HARLEY LOOKED AT Steve with wide eyes, while she wasn't exactly fond of him. She knew it would destroy Nancy and Matthew if they lost him.

Every horrible decision Harley had made in her life came flying through her mind. From the time she left a plastic bowl in the microwave and it exploded all the way down to the time she crashed her dad's car.

Steve was about to make a horrible decision. "Steve!" Harley called out, approaching him "What are you doing? Are you fucking stupid!"

"We have to get it's attention somehow" He refused to look at any of them as they stared at him dumbfounded.

Running a hand through her hair, she began to think about Max. If Steve couldn't protect them out there, the rest of them would be in trouble. She had to protect Max if it was the last thing she ever did.

"I'm coming then" Harley announced.

Steve stood there staring at Harley as she began to tie her hair back loosely, "What?" He moved towards her. "Matthew will kill me if I let you come out there, stay here!" Steve crossed his arms, slightly grimacing at the thought of Matthew being pissed.

Harley scoffed, "Nancy will also kill me if I let you die! I need to protect Max, okay! So just let me help you!" She made her way towards the door, Steve grabbed her arm.

"Let go of me! We need to hurry up and go out there before it comes here!" Harley protested, ripping Steve's hand from her.

Steve stared at her before looking away. "Okay," He nodded. "Fine." Steve opened the bus door.

                           Harley stared out into the void of darkness, she wouldn't admit it to anyone but she was terrified. She wanted to hide in the darkness of the bus but she knew she had to protect Max.

            Steve stepped out first, with his hands tightly wrapped around the bat. Harley followed behind him as the pair hesitantly made their way to the centre of the junkyard.

                                                       "Come on, buddy" Steve whistled lowly "Dinner time."

Harley didn't say anything, her eyes were piercing into the back of Steve's head.

                               Max watched from inside the bus in disbelief, she knew her sister would do anything to protect her but she didn't know that meant making herself a meal for a Demodogs dinner menu.

           "They're insane" She muttered, glancing to Lucas and Dustin who stood their with a smile plastered across their faces. "They're awesome."

                                                 Harley sucked in a sharp breath as her eyes landed on the Demodog "Steve" She whispered "I know, I see it" He tightened his grip on the bat.

"Watch out!" Lucas's voice echoed through the air, "Three o'clock, three o'clock!"

    Harley jumped backwards, her heart pounding out of her turning her head as Dustin opened the door "Abort, abort!" He shrieked.

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now