Do You Want To Be Down Here

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── Do You Want To Be Down Here !

"WAIT!" DUSTIN DEMANDED causing Harley and Steve's arguing to come to an abrupt stop "You do know how big it is right?" He asked turning to face the two.

"It was only the size of a lizard the last time I seen it" Harley shrugged turning to Dustin, "Yeah it's bigger than that now" His voice was low as he sheepishly looked at the older teens.

"How do you know it's big!" Steve shouted at Dustin. "Because it's face opened up and it ate my cat!" Dustin shouted back as Harley's mouth fell open.

She refused to even believe she actually just heard someone say a monster ate their cat. I mean what the fuck !

Steve turned to face Harley who was still in shock "Wait── You've seen it?" He questioned

"Yeah, I helped Dustin look for it" Her face twisted up in confusion remembering just how small the creature was only three days ago but was now apparently big enough to eat Dustin's cat.

As the three teenagers jumped out of the car and mad their way to the back end of the vehicle, Steve popped the hood of the trunk and grabbed the bat covered in nails before slamming the trunk shut.

"Well this is fucking insane" Harley mumbled, "Yeah I used to think that too" Steve replied glancing at the girl before making his way over to Dustin's back garden.

Dustin led them to the cellar entrance, the teenagers stood there in silence attempting to listen for any noise to come out of the cellar.

"I don't hear anything," Harley spoke up as Steve nod "Are you sure you didn't imagine it? I mean Dart was tiny the last time I saw him and you could of just had a nightmare" She sighed.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't imagine my cat being eaten on my bedroom floor! I'm also not lying about it, he is down there!" Dustin defended himself.

                                  Harley raised her eyebrow slightly as Steve reluctantly knocked on the cellar door with the bat tightly gripped in his hands, all three of them wish their was a reaction.

                                                     "Is there a slight possibility that things like Dart could take naps?" Harley questioned, glancing at the boys.

               Steve turned to Dustin burning the flashlight into his eyes, "I swear to god kid, if this is some kind of Halloween prank and you've dragged me──"

     "And me!" Harley added.

Steve rolled his eyes, "If you have dragged us out here for nothing, I will not hesitate to kill you" Steve warned the younger boy.

                                                    "It's not a prank alright ── okay?" Dustin reassured them. "I feel like we should just open the door and take a look for ourselves" Harley turned to both of the boys again.                            

              "You got the keys to this?" Steve asked as Dustin nodded chucking a key towards him, Steve passed Harley the bat.

                                                  Harley glanced at the bat that was now in her hands, "I secretly hope it eats his face" She whispered to Dustin as she passed the bat back to Steve.

                            Harley lifted the flashlight and shined it down the basement, "Maybe he's further down there" Dustin said from the top of the cellar. "Oh please! Do you want to be down here, how about you come down here with us!" Harley shouted from halfway down the cellar stairs behind Steve.

             Tripping on the last step she went flying into Steve's back but fortunately the boy reacted quickly, wrapping an arm around her waist lifting her back onto her face.

"Thanks," Harley mumbled looking around the room. "I'll stay up here incase Dart tries to... escape" Dustin called down the cellar as Harley rolled her eyes "I'm not so sure he'd run after you once he's finished with big foot over here!" She called back to the younger boy earning a scoff from Steve.

                                    As the brightness from the flashlight lit up the room, Harley swallowed the lump in her throat that had appeared. Her eyes fell on a clump of gooey green skin, instantly cringe shook through her body.

            "What the fuck is that?" Leaning foreword to get a good look at the skin that was just left on the floor. "Harley? Steve?" Dustin called out but the two of them were left speechless, Harley was sent into shock.

                                                       "Guys! What's going on down there?" Dustin asked.

"Get down here now Henderson!" Steve ordered as Harley took a step back. Dustin walked down the stairs, his eyes winden as he looked down at the clump of skin.

"Why did I let you guys drag me into this! I should be at home studying for everything I missed! Not looking for some reptile!" Harley shouted before turning to face Steve.

"And you, you're an asshole! How Dustin admires you I have no idea!" Harley pointed a finger into his chest.

Steve's face shot up with disgust, "I have no idea how you're friends with Matthew and Nancy!" Steve shouted back.

"Guys!" Dustin's voice echoed through the walls of the basement causing the two teenagers heads to whip in his direction. "We have a bigger problem than your little drama!" He pointed to the massive hole in the wall.

Harley's eyes widened as she bent down to get a look inside of it "That has to go on for miles!" Harley exclaimed looking up at the boys.

"Where do you think it leads?" Dustin questioned glancing down at Harley and then back at Steve.

"That's an excellent question Dustin" Steve stared down at the hole in the wall "However, I don't want to know the answer to it"

"How are we going to catch that thing?" Harley questioned looking over at Dustin who seemed to be stuck in his thoughts.

"They're attracted to meat, if we get enough of it we could lure it somewhere and ── trap Dart so he wouldn't hurt anything else?" Dustin suggested as the pink haired girl stared blankly at him.

Harley just shrugged in response "I don't know, I have no idea about this type of thing" She admitted crossing her arms over her chest.

"Will it work?" Steve questioned.

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now