You Named It Dart

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── You Named It Dart !

                     HARLEY'S EYES STARED blankly ahead of her, zoning out completely at the board after Steve began to complain about the situation that had happened with Nancy the night before she decided she didn't want to deal with his voice in her ear. Harley wasn't there while everything kicked off but she heard from Matthew that Nancy had told Steve that their entire relationship was bullshit.

      She knew she was in no position to have an opinion on their relationship but Nancy was such a sweet girl and Steve didn't seem to have best reputation.

                                           "Dude! How many times are we going to have to talk about this" The boy next to him mumbled.

Harley felt bad for whoever was sat next to Steve, she couldn't imagine anything worse than having to have him in her ear yapping away for the entire hour.

                       "She got 'Freak Byers' to help get Matthew to drive her home, I was literally in the room with her" Steve complained.

                                                      While Harley has never met this 'Freak Byers' she's seemed to have heard a lot about him. Not to mention his brother apparently came back from the dead.

        "She was drunk! Just like everybody else at the party he was probably doing the polite thing that anybody would of done seeing her in the state she was" Jacob informed him; Harley had learnt that was his name once the teacher picked on him to answer a question.

The pink haired girl shifted in her seat slightly after she felt something touch the back of her chair.

                                               'What the fuck?' She thought leaning forward.

                     Harley's body jolted forward, "Strawberry Shortcake! Hello!" Steve's voice was heard from behind her, rolling her eyes she turned in her seat.

            "What do you want?" Harley's brows lifted scrunching her face up in disgust. "You and Nancy are friends, correct?" Steve questioned leaning across his desk.

                                         The girl groaned turning back around in her seat, copying what the teacher had wrote on the board that she missed while turned around.

"Can you just talk to Nancy for me?" Steve pondered on, "Can't you talk to her yourself?" Harley questioned turning around in her chair once again. "I would but you see I have basketball practice" Steve grinned.

Harley had to refrain herself from gagging in his face.

"That's a shame! I'm sure you can make time for her" Shooting up out of her seat as the bell echoed throughout the school signalling that it was now turning into the last class but Harley had a free class and she knew Matthew did.

The girls pink haired could be seen flying down the corridor making a bee line straight to Matthew who was stood talking to Dustin in a hushed tone.

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now