Your Ass Is Grass

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── Your Ass Is Grass !

                                                     AFTER THE GROUP finished buying and stuffing Steve's car with a bunch of fresh meat. Harley was staring up at the sky, realising it was getting dark soon and she had no idea where Max was.

             "Come on then!" Dustin shouted picking up a bucket of meat while Steve passed Harley his bat before picking up the final bucket.

                                  Harley refused to touch the buckets full of the fresh meat, claiming it would make her sick.

"Alright... so let me get this straight, you only kept Dart whom you knew was very dangerous just to try and impress my sister?" Harley questioned from closely behind the two boys.

          "Who you've only just met by the way" Steve butted in.

                              "Not everybody can have your perfect hair Steve! And not everyone can have a naturally good personality Harley!" Dustin complained as Harley's face softened up.

                                                 "You should know it's not always about looks" Harley began stretching over a piece of meat Steve just threw on the floor "It's always about the personality of someone" She smiled.

      "Yeah, Harley's right... Although it can be nice having someone that also looks good" Steve agreed causing Harley to elbow him.

"You basically just disagreed with me Steve!"

                         Steve glared at the before threatening her with the bucket. "The key to girls is acting like you just don't care" Steve looked at the younger boy.

        "Even if you do?" Dustin wondered, "Yeah it drives them nuts" Steve grinned.

                                                         Dustin turned towards Harley as the girls face scrunched up "Is that true?" He questioned her, "Notice how him and Nancy are no longer on good terms, it's because he acted like he didn't care" Harley looked at Steve's reaction in the corner of her eye.

Dustin looked down at the ground sadly "But," Harley turned to face the boy "The key to my sister turns out to be mint chocolate ice cream" She smiled shining the flashlight in front of the boys.

                        Silence fell among the trio as Harley tightened her grip on the bat.

                                                     Steve immediately broke it "Fabergè." Harley's eyes squinted towards the taller boys figure "What the fuck is that?" She questioned.

      "Fabergè Organics," He clarified. "Use the shampoo and conditioner and when your hair is damp... not wet okay?Damp. Use four puffs of Farrah Fawcett spray."

  "You definitely have it permed── Look!" Harley paused looking to dustin.

                                "That will not work on my sister, she does not care about what you look like at all! The amount of times I've walked into her room with no makeup and complete bed hair and it completely goes over her head!" Harley laughed stopping in the middle of the train tracks.

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now