。prologue 。

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that's all adella had been doing for what felt like hours.

she didn't know where she was, she barely spoke english. panic had flooded her body, her fingers twisting in the bottom on the blue and white hospital gown as she paused, breathing heavily. adella span on her bare feet, glancing around at the trees that seemed to go on for miles and miles, endless, tall trees looming over her.

the fourteen year old saw a log, laying horizontally across the twigs and berries of the forest and moved closer, sitting down on it. she just needed to catch her breath. she wasn't sure how long she'd been running and how much further it was to get to safety.

a twig snapped in the distance and he head shot up, darting towards the sound of the wood cracking. her blunt fingernails picked at the bark of the log, frozen in her sitting position as she saw heard another group of twigs and branches snap sharply underneath a heavy boot.

adella stood slowly when she saw a tall man stepping out from behind a tree, not having seen her and clearly just walking around. he had a thick brown jacket on, denim jeans with a blue flannel under his jacket. his face was partly covered by a thick sandy beard, blue eyes scanning the forest calmly.

the girl turned to run away from him, not knowing if he could be a threat to her. however, she failed to notice a smalll, sharp branch sticking out of the log. it pierced through the bottom of her hospital gown, catching on the material as she went to run.

the man heard the tear of fabric, adella staying still as she tried to tug it off soundlessly, just the hem ripped. confused, he started to make his way towards her, adella looking back at him with wide eyes. the closer he got, the more she cowered and curled into herself, clearly afraid.

"i'm not gonna hurt you." he assured gently, holding his hands up in defence as he walked closer.

she straightened up but seemed no less tense than before after his words. she turned to face him fully and his eyebrows furrowed at the bruise on her cheek, a small cut above her eyebrow. her hand grabbed her other wrist, holding it over her chest as if it would shield her.

"where are your parents?" he asked and he head tilted as if she didn't understand him. "your mum and dad, are they not here?"

"mum and dad?" adella repeated slowly, accent thick in her words.

"yes, your parents. are they not here?" he repeated, glancing around for any sign of another adult.

"do not... um..." adella trailed off, confused.

"understand me?" he guessed. "you don't speak english?"

"little bit." adella mumbled, pinching her index finger and thumb close together, showing how little she knew of his language.

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