。twenty six 。

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adella decided to drive to the mall instead of steve, much to his objection. her sister was still inside as well as her friends and she'd force the the car, whose father is todd, to go all the way there and quickly. steve was in the backseats while robin was in the passenger seat, both holding on tightly as she sped.

when they got to the shopping scented car park, she saw that jonathan's car wasn't starting and nancy was shooting at another car that was barrelling towards them at a great speed. she noticed it was billy's and tried to force her foot further down on the acceleration which was almost impossible.

as nancy ducked, thinking that could possibly save her from being squashed like a pancake into the side of her boyfriend's car, adella drove straight into the bonnet of billy's car, sending him skidding out of the way as the bonnet of their car screwed up from the powerful hit.

they skid to a stop and adella exhaled sharply as robin jolted in the seat beside her and steve panted heavily from adrenaline. nancy looked over to them in shock as the front of billy's car caught fire, the flayed teenager's head having fell into the windowsill, knocked out.

"are you okay?" adella asked robin as they looked at each other.

"ask me tomorrow?" robin offered, staring at her with wide eyes.

"i'm okay, by the way. if anyone cares." steve mumbled.

the quick-witted retort on adella's tongue died out as the kind flayer snarled. robin gasped as the three of them stood up in shock, gazing at the creature with horror. it crawled into the top of starcourt before roaring at them viciously. a car horn honked and they looked to see nancy driving beside them, "get in!"

the jumped out of the car and rushed to get into the large boot of nancy's. steve slammed the large door behind him and looked to the mind flayer who crawled from the top of the shopping centre, chasing them with murderous intent, crushing cars underneath his melted-human-feet.

"dusty-bun, you copy?" a female child's voice came through the walkie-talkie.

"i copy, suzie-poo." dustin replied. "it sounds much better now, thanks."

robin, steve and adella all looked to each other, both scooper's speaking, "suzie."

"no, i think it's 'suzie-poo', now. god, that nickname is bad." adella grimaced.

"okay, so listen. do you know planck's constant?" dustin asked her.

"do you know the earth orbits the sun?" suzie shot back.

dustin snickered, "okay, so i know it starts with two sixes, and then a... w-what is it?"

"okay, let me just be clear on this. i haven't heard from you in a week, and now you want a mathematical equation that you should know so you can... save the world?" suzie questioned.

"suzie-poo, i promise, i will make it up to you as soon as possible." dustin promised.

"you can make it up to me now." suzie offered.

"what?" dustin quizzed quickly.

"i want to hear it." suzie grinned and adella thought she sounded almost malicious as she said that sentence.

"not right now." dustin denied.

"yes, now, dusty-bun." suzie ordered.

"suzie-poo, this is urgent." dustin pleaded.

"yes, yes, you're saving the world, i heard you the first time, but ged is also saving earthsea and he's about to confront the shadow, so this is suzie, signing off." suzie snapped.

"wait, wait, wait! okay." dustin agreed. "okay. okay. shit."

and then... he started singing.

"turn around... look at what you see
in her face
the mirror of your dreams" dustin sang.

robin had a sort of pained smile on her face as steve paused before glancing around the car in shock, adella just looking at the walkie-talkie, which was still spewing lyrics, in shock. suzie started to sing with him as well, and it became apparent that this was their song and they held it close to them.

but it wasn't the best time to sing it. will turned away from looking at the walkie-talkie, his face just blank as lucas turned to the front with a grimace on his face. it was comical how the young couple were singing a very cheesy song together all while one group was being chased by a monster of melted people and another were pretending to be russian soldiers in a secret russian base.

they finished singing and dustin giggled before suzie spoke, "planck's constant is 6.62607004."

"you just saved the world." dustin told her.

suzie sighed happily, "gosh, i miss you, dusty-bun."

"i miss you more, suzie-poo."

"i miss you more, multiplied by all the stars in our galaxy."

"no, i miss you-"

dustin was cut off by presumably erica turning off the radio. adella sank back in her seat, pulling at her bottom lip with her teeth. robin saw the look on her face and spoke, "penny for your, probably terrifying, thoughts?"

"el's still in there and so is max." adella mumbled worriedly. "oh, and mike."

"they're gonna be fine. i'm sure they out of there by now." robin assured and hesitantly reached for her hand.

adella nodded, no less worried but she squeezed robin's hand back. the panic inside of her only increased when she saw the mind flayer shriek and turn around, plodding the opposite way to them.

"it's turning around." steve said.

"what?" nancy demanded.

"it's turning around!" steve repeated.

"maybe we wore it out." lucas suggested.

"i don't think so. hold on." jonathan said and span the car around sharply to follow the monster, playing a deadly game of cat and mouse.


would anyone read an eddie munson book, cuz if so i'm gonna continue planning one

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