。twenty nine 。

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hopper's cabin still had the holes in it from the mind flayer but she couldn't leave it like that. it felt wrong to leave it wrecked and messed up, even if he would never step foot in the cabin again. she started to fix it up, slowly, gradually. with help from steve and robin, she was able to fix the holes in the cabin with rough work. she even had some help from officers callihan and powell, even if they were useless and probably caused more damage to the cabin walls.

placing down the broom she was using, adella sat herself down in hopper's recliner, curling into the comfy cushions. a frown settled on her lips as she picked at the loose thread in the bottom of her t-shirt. her eyes flickered to the bracelet on her wrist, it having slipped slightly, revealing the tattoo on her skin.

sighing to herself, the girl looked over at the old record player in the corner of the room and pushed herself up. opening the box of vinyl's, adella started to flick through the selection until a familiar white slip caught her eye. smiling, she took it out and slipped it onto the record player, placing the stylus needle on the vinyl she chose.

the upbeat tune of you don't mess around with jim flowed through the wooden cabin as she sat back down in her dads chair, pulling her blanket over herself and picking up her book. slowly, her body relaxed as she read, the music tuning out the small whistling draft from a slightly open window in el's old room.

adella was the older sister which meant she had to stay strong for el, who was just more emotional in general. over the few months, she never had much time to feel concerned about herself. she had tried to keep herself busy with helping the byers and el pack as well as fixing up the cabin and looking for a job or two so she could pay for food, electricity and so on.

as the song came to a close, almost complete silence took over the cabin. the only thing she could hear was the vinyl still spinning on the player. adella's eyes lost focus on her book quickly and her body curled deeper into the chair subconsciously.

salty tears beaded at her waterline while her bottom lip trembled ever so slightly, her throat feeling thick and her shoulders heavy with grief. they finally slipped down her cheeks, wetting the page of her book on her lap as they dropped from her cheeks. a weak sob left adella's throat, the emotions in her body overflowing like a coffee cup that was too full.

she left them fall carelessly, not bothered at how they tickled her cheeks. her dad wasn't there to wipe them away anymore, as he would have before. whenever she had a nightmare or a flashback to the lab or even when she was taken from cuba, she could usually find him sat in his chair watching tv. he'd see her and silently open his arms, letting her join him on the recliner as he wiped away the tear tracks from her cheeks.

her mind flickered to the past memories she had with her small, but perfect, family. adella could remember struggling to converse with hopper at first but she could also remember his admirable efforts to help her learn english and teach himself spanish. she remembered the first fight they had before el came to join them in their family.

it was stupid, really, but hopper was still trying to find her parents but she didn't want to go back to them. after all, they were the ones that put her in the hands of brenner. while he was trying to find them, adella didn't speak much english so she couldn't tell him why she didn't want to go back 'home'.

she had refused to leave with him, even though it was just to take a tour around the secondary school. hopper didn't understand and assumed she thought of him as the same as the person she used to be in the care of. with his short temper, he got angry of course which only reflected onto adella's emotions, resulting in a door being slammed with such force it came off the weak trailer hinges.

when hopper found el, adella was happy to have her stay with them and joined the pair in fixing up the cabin to make it liveable. she didn't agree with the fact el had to stay inside all the time but could understand why. even she was restricted on her ability to leave after hopper found out they were from the same place, although adella was much more unrecognisable than eleven.

it became a kind of family 'tradition' to watch miami vice every friday, mainly because hopper liked the programme and because el and adella just wanted to spend time with him since his job took up a lot of time. sometimes, both girls would watch in confusion but at some point get the meaning of the episode half way through.

of course, el's favourite thing was eggo's, and eggo extravaganzas were a way of apology in their home. eggo's, cream and some form of chocolate could fix any problems that had been bought up or developed the day before. now, only el and adella would be able to share the sugary treat, without the man that made their favourite creation.

he was a hero for the entirety of hawkins, who saw him as someone that died saving people from a 'mall fire'. but to the sisters, there were uncountable reasons for him to be their hero. he saved hawkins, and possibly the world, from another attack of the mind flayer. he kept the creature from being able to destroy much more because he stopped the russian trying to stop him and joyce.

he was never exactly one for feelings, which he never went into much detail with but adella understood why he felt the need to close himself off. but still, he didn't stay that way and it was because of them, and joyce of course. without them, he would've been alone because he realised he needed them.

but he couldn't grasp the fact they needed him. and now, they didn't have him. they couldn't watch miami vice together, they couldn't listen to music together and have him introduce them to good artists, they couldn't make eggo extravaganzas together anymore because a third of their family was missing.

even though physically she wasn't alone, mentally, adella felt it for a while.


how depressing :)

anywho now it's time for s4 and me gaying it up even more

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