。nineteen 。

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steve had been severely beaten up by some russian guards and thrown in a room, knocked out on the floor. two guards started to carry robin in, the woman thrashing to get free from their hold but they would let go.

"get your hands off of me!" robin yelled at them, exclaiming when they threw her on the tile beside steve. she looked down at him, worried. "steve? steve? steve? steve?" a higher ranking guard walked in and she sat on her knees, glaring. "what did you do to him? what did you do?"

the guard backhanded her across the face and robin groaned, falling on her back with a whimper as she held her face, her cheek reddening.

"посадить их на стулья." he ordered his guards.

"don't touch me!" robin snapped as she was grabbed and forced onto a chair, another officer doing the same with steve's limp body. "steve- steve, wake up. steve?"

a thick leather belt was strapped around their chests and arms, keeping them together on the chairs. robin grunted and tried to wiggle in the binds but could really do anything except try.

"what did you do!?" robin grunted and the high ranking guard grabbed steve's hair, pulling it back to look at his bloodied face. "don't touch him. steve? steve, can you hear me?"

"i think your friend need a doctor." the guard said, moving to stand in front of robin who glared up at him. "good thing... we have the very best."

the guard laughed and looked to the soldiers behind him who realised they had permission to laugh with him. robin looked at him with a sneer before she spat directly into his face.

he wiped it slowly and looked to robin who held her chin up, as if she wasn't scared, "you are going to regret that, сука." (bitch)

"bastards." robin said shakily to them as they left the room. "let us outta here! bastards! let us out! let us out!"

meanwhile, dustin, erica and adella had just crawled out of another vent only to see multiple lee glass cages holding the green chemical inside of them. dustin glanced to adella with a small smile, "jackpot."

they all got out and adella spotted one of the small red cars that the russian's used. she tapped dustin's arm with a grin and he beamed at her before they made their way over to it, erica following.

"do you even know how to drive?" erica asked dustin.

"no. but adella does." dustin shrugged and adella sat in the drivers seat.

"there's no key." she told them. "which should have been obvious because they're smarter than everyone."

"oh, come on." dustin muttered.

"you think they'd just leave keys in there?" erica sassed.

"there's gotta be a spare." dustin mused and adella started to look for a key in any crevasses that were in the car.

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