。fifty nine 。

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the group were now in a field, the camper-van parked as they assembled weapons to take down vecna and the bats. nancy was sawing the end off of the gun she bought so it would be better for close range and eddie and dustin were making sheila's with rubbish bin lids which they had stabbed multiple nails through so they could stab things whilst defending themselves.

lucas and erica were sat on two chairs, making spears with knives, long thick sticks and rope. steve, robin and adella all sat in front of the camper-van, pouring petrol into old vodka bottles which they would light on fire and throw at vecna, hopefully distracting him so nancy or adella could finish him off, killing him for good.

"this... isn't gonna go well." adella mumbled as she placed one of the vodka bottles on the floor by some others.

"what do you mean?" steve asked.

"something has to go wrong. something will." adella sighed.

"don't think like that." steve scoffed.

"she's right. not everything has a happy ending." robin spoke up.

"yeah, yeah, believe me, i know." steve nodded, glancing at nancy.

"we're not talking about failed romance." robin said when she saw him look to nancy, pouring petrol into another bottle. "i just... i have this terrible, gnawing feeling that... it might not work out for us this time. i know ella agrees with me."

"you think we shouldn't be doing this?" steve looked between them.

"i think we're mad fools, the lot of us." robin hummed.

"but we know no one else is going to do anything about it." adella shrugged, seeing eddie and dustin play fighting with the shields.

"we have to try, right?" robin mused.

steve nodded, "yeah." he then held out a vodka bottle, "to killing vecna."

"slash henry." robin smiled after picking up another one.

adella grabbed a third, "slash cunt-lord."

"slash one." steve finished and they clinked their bottles together.

"i feel like we should be more, uh, optimistic about this. talking shit like this is not going to help us." adella chuckled.

"give us words of encouragement, ella. i'm sure they're wonderful." steve smiled.

"i think that would end up making us all feel worse." adella hummed.

"you'd be a shit sports coach, you know that?"

"i'd just bully my team into doing it right."

after loading up the camper-van with all the weapons, steve drove off, heading towards the creel house. everyone was holding some sort of weapon, robin and adella now wearing army trousers, nancy and steve wearing similar clothing and eddie had a bandana on his head while dustin was dressed as a human bush.

robin shared a glance with adella who grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers before kissing the back of her hand. they dropped max, erica and lucas off at the creel house before driving away, towards eddie's trailer where they would go into the upside down all over again.

they could only hope shit didn't hit the fan.


i'M gOiNg BaCk To 505

it wasn't the grass that tickled my arse, it was my little finger

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