。fifty 。

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"she has a plan!?" steve yelled. "a plan? and you two didn't think to share with us what that was when a wizard-alien man was coming to kill her?!"

"no, because she said you would've argued!" robin called back.

"uh, of course we would!" dustin exclaimed as the group stood around adella.

"why didn't you stop her!? she only listens to you!" steve shouted at robin.

"i tried but she had a good point!" robin replied. "she's gonna mimic vecna's powers if that's possible in there."

"and how will she get out?" max asked worriedly.

"she said to just give her a small amount of time before i play the music." robin explained.

"what song, i'll get it ready." steve muttered and crouched by the bag.

"shit, uh, bohemian rhapsody." robin answered and steve slammed the tape into the walkman, ready.

in vecna's illusion, adella stood in the woods which had darkened significantly. she turned around and started to walk through the woods only they seemed to have changed. she gasped as she tripped over a wire and a loud bang sounded. it was the trip wire hopper made to protect el. glancing back at the wire, she scrambled back to her feet.

adella looked up at the cabin in front of her and started walking towards it. if she was going to mimic vecna's abilities, she needed to walk into his trap. she pushed open the front door to the cabin and it was empty, the same as she left it days ago. a floorboard creaked behind her and she turned around sharply to see the curtain to hopper's room slowly being drawn.

hopper stepped out of his bedroom and, even though she knew it wasn't real, adella's eyes widened and her breath hitched at the sight of her dad. he snuffed out his cigarette in a nearby ash tray and started to walk towards her, his boots heavy on the floorboards. adella took an unsteady step backwards, placing a head on the back of the couch to steady herself.

"i take it you've realised what you've done." hopper hummed and her eyebrows furrowed.

"what?" she asked in confusion.

"you've finally realised you helped kill me." hopper stated and she shook her head. "oh, yes. since the day i found you in the woods, all weak and pathetic, my life has been a living hell."

"no." adella shook her head again, tears filling her eyes.

in reality, robin was holding onto adella's headphones, waiting for the right moment to place them on her head. the rest of the group watched anxiously as adella's eyes stayed rolled back and a blank white, her body stiff in its standing position.

"i should have left you in the woods to die!" hopper yelled at her making her flinch a little. "that's what you did to el, wasn't it? you left her in the lab to die alone, knowing very well the other kids would hurt her. maybe if i had left you in the woods, you would've gotten what you deserved and i would still be alive!"

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