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robin leant on the window ledge of the scoop ahoy parlour, a pair of headphones on her ears as the tape played from the walkman. she was trying to translate was she heard from the book in her hand all while erica was repeatedly ringing the bell on the till.

"excuse me." the child called sassily. "ahoy!"

robin sighed and turned around, pulling off the headphones and letting them sit on the back of her neck.

erica smiled in a sarcastically sweet way, "i'd like to try the peanut butter chocolate swirl, please."

"no. no more samples today." robin denied immediately.

"why not?" erica scoffed.

"because you're abusing our company policy." robin answered.

"where's the sailor man?" erica demanded as her friends stared into robin's soul.

"sorry, he can't help you. he's busy." robin smiled, turning back around.

"busy with what?" erica inquired.

robin looked to her with a small smirk, "spy-craft."

steve, dustin and adella were hid behind a bush, steve holding a pair of binoculars to his eyes. dustin looked up at him, "do you see anything?"

"uh, i guess i don't totally know what i'm looking for." steve admitted.

"evil russians." dustin stated.

"yeah, exactly. i don't know what an evil russian looks like." steve replied.

"tall, blonde, not smiling." dustin listed and adella gave him a look because she wasn't convinced that description wouldn't fit every russian. "also, look for earpieces, camo, duffel bags, that sort of thing."

"isn't that a bit obvious?" adella asked, turning to him.

"and the code wasn't?" dustin scoffed.

"calm down, just a question." adella mumbled.

"right, okay, duffel bag." steve muttered to himself. "oh, you've gotta be kidding me."

"what?" the other two asked urgently.

"anna jacobi's talking with that meathead, mark lewinsky." steve grumbled.

"dude, if you're not gonna focus, just gimme the binoculars." dustin ordered, holding his hand out.

"aw, jesus christ, whatever happened to standards?" steve continued. "i mean, lewinsky never even came off the bench."

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