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as adella's shift went on, she grew annoyed with james not doing anything so decided to go over to steve in scoops ahoy. she went through the back of one of the cinema rooms, pulling open the door to reveal the party standing there. she raised an eyebrow with a smirk but moved so they could pass by into the pictures, all of them mumbling a quiet 'thanks'.

"steve!" adella called, walking into the back room of the ice cream shop.

"aren't you on your shift now?" steve asked as she plopped down beside him, leaning her elbows on the table, placing her chin in her hands.

"yes, but james is annoying me and wasn't doing anything so i came here instead." she beamed.

"lucky me." steve mumbled sarcastically, gasping when she grabbed his hat and threw it at his face.

"since you love me so very much, can i, please, have some ice cream?" adella asked, jutting out her bottom lip for emphasis.

"no." steve answered and she gasped at hm. "you took my hat off, you broke company policy. get your own ice cream, adella."

"you care about company policy?" adella scoffed before standing. "fine. thanks for all your help."

"oh, no proble- hey!" steve yelled when she walked behind him and messed his hair up so it was sticking in every direction apart from the right ones.

laughing, adella walked out the door beside the window of the shop, moving to stand at the till. robin looked up from the floor, freezing like a deer caught in headlights as the girl smiled at her brightly, "hi, robin. could i have the cherry ice cream in a tub, please?"

"y-yeah." robin nodded, grabbing the scooper and a tub.

robin scooped some ice cream into the tub and handed it to adella who thanked her before she moved out of the way for the people behind her. as steve came out of the back room, all the lights in the entire mall flickered off without warning, leaving them in the dark.

"that's weird." steve hummed and started to flick the light switch repeatedly.

robin looked to him and sighed, "that isn't gonna work, dingus."

"oh, really?" steve shot back and flicked the switch faster making adella roll her eyes.

not even half a a minute later, all the lights came back on and everything started to work; the fountain, the escalators and small horse rides included.

"let there be light." steve said after flicking it once more.

"because you definitely fixed all the electronics in the mall." adella said sarcastically.

"i don't know if you're going blind, but it definitely was me." steve replied and she laughed, walking past him.

robin was smiling slightly as she watched her go into the back room before she turned to serve their next customers. she didn't think adella knew her name, then again it was on her uniform but the cuban girl never once broke eye contact while speaking to her.

"how's el?" steve asked as he joined adella at the table again.

"she's good. mike's always around the cabin and dad doesn't like it." adella chuckled. "he makes them keep the door
open three inches."

"but they're, what, 13? what're they gonna do?" steve asked.

"that's what i said!" adella exclaimed. "honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if he spied on them form outside with a bunch of twigs and berries in his hair as a disguise."

steve chuckled as she ate some her ice cream, "when you find a boyfriend, he won't let you close the door."

"yeah." adella agreed, her smile faltering a small amount but she slapped it back on wider.

whenever hopper had shown her a new film she might have liked, she always ended up staring at the women and never the men. adella realised over time she had never liked a boy back. none of the ones that liked her appealed her. sure, some boys were attractive, she knew that and saw that, but what the girls around her felt towards them was different to her opinion on them.

it made her feel a little bad about herself because in every book she read and every film she watched, it was always a man and a woman. always a man saving a woman. always a damsel in distress that needed a big, strong man to save her. she'd once asked hopper why they only wrote it that way and he told her that some people thought of women as the weaker sex. he didn't agree with that, he made sure both el and adella knew that before they could rip his head off.

as far as adella knew, no one else felt the same way she did. they didn't feel ashamed because of who they were attracted to. they didn't get nervous or uncomfortable when someone bought up the thought of dating the opposite gender.

she just didn't know robin had felt everything she had.


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