。twenty three 。

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people in the room watching back to the future cheered as it finished before they left the cinema. dustin pulled open the door to the bathroom, watching as the people walked past them. the rest of the group poked their head into the doorway to get a look too.

"and... blend." dustin ordered, leaving the toilets.

they walked into the middle of the crowd and erica looked to dustin, "well, shit, that worked."

"course it worked. now we just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebs, and home sweet home, here we come." dustin explained.

"uh, dustin?" steve spoke up sheepishly.

"what?" he questioned.

"yeah, we might not wanna go to your house." steve said.

"guys?" robin chimed in, gently pulling them back when they saw men in black checking people leaving the cinema, recognising them as russians.

"abort. abort. abort." dustin repeated and the group span, running the opposite way.

steve glanced back and saw the russians following them, "come on, let's go, let's go."

they got to the gap between the escalators and steve slid down it. dustin followed and then adella, robin after her and erica last. they all got up and looked to see the russians hadn't seen them to sped off in another direction.

the russians walked around the mall, holding guns in their hands. behind a toll, sat on the floor, erica moved ever so slightly but it reflected in the glass fridge making their hiding spot known. a russian muttered into his walkie-talkie and soon the three were all around the shop.

adella closed her eyes, eyeballs moving behind her lids as she made the car horn of the car that would be up for winning in a competition honk as well as making the lights blink. the russian's faced it sharply, watching as the car shook.

they glanced up and saw el standing on a higher level. the girl stuck her hand out and suddenly launched the car into them, sending it barreling into the russian's which killed them. the group hiding slowly stood up from behind the counter, looking towards the car that was flipped onto the counter of another shop.

adella and dustin grinned as they caught sight of the group on the higher level. they all moved to meet in the middle and adella's eyes widened when she saw el leaning on mike for support.

dustin laughed happily as he ran to hug el and mike, "you flung that thing like a hot wheel!"

"lucas?" erica asked.

"what are you doing here?" lucas demanded.

"ask them. it's their fault." erica pointed to steve, robin, dustin and adella.

"true, yeah. totally true. it's absolutely our fault." steve agreed.

"oh, god, what happened?" adella panicked as el hugged her tightly, leaning against her body.

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