。thirty four 。

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adella sighed as she reached for some more vhs' from a higher shelf, placing them in the box under her arm so she could put them on the shelves. the back-room door opened and she looked to see robin walking in, smiling at her a little bashfully.

"what's not on the shelf? i thought we did them all." robin said, confused.

"splash." adella replied, showing her one of the tapes before placing it in the box.

"why do people like that movie?" robin scoffed, leaning on the shelf.

"because she's hot and plus, boobs." adella shrugged.

robin swallowed her doubts and looked to adella who was grabbing one last vhs from a differnt shelf, "ella?"

"hm?" she hummed, turning around to face her with a small smile.

"do you like... splash?" robin asked, her face twisting into a small grimace, not exactly having planned her words.

"it's okay." adella chuckled. "why? you don't, i'm guessing?"

"i've watched better things." robin mused, looking down at her shoes.

"okay, what's going on? you acting weirder than usual." adella said, taking a few steps towards her.

"i wanted to ask you something and i'm gonna try not to ramble, 'cause that's what i seem to do now. anyway, i'm trying to not be as pathetic as i was, like, an hour ago." robin started only confusing adella. "so, uh... can i ask you a question?"

"yes." adella nodded with a scoffed laugh. "seriously, are you okay?"

"no, but, so, you had fast times paused at 53 minutes, 5 seconds and you think the movie splash is good-"

"i said it was okay-"

"-same difference!" robin waved her off. "that can mean two things."

"and what are those?" adella asked.

"one could be that you like boobs or you just got bored at a random point in fast times and you like mermaids and tom hanks." robin explained quickly.

"are you asking if i like boobs or tom hanks?" adella inquired and robin shut up, nodding. "so, we got there in the end. and, to answer your very long question, yes, i like boobs. which is a weird way to put it."

"i cannot believe steve was right." robin mumbled.


"nothing!" robin denied immediately making adella smile, amused.

"is that all?" adella questioned.

robin stayed silent for a second, trying to focus on letting her brain move quicker than her mouth for once, "do you trust me?"

"yeah, of course." adella agreed. "why?"

"i was asking because i didn't want to make you uncomfortable, 'cause that's the worst feeling ever." robin hummed.

adella nodded and stepped closer to her again, placing a hand on robin's cheek, making the sandy-blonde's breath hitch in her throat, "do you trust me?"

"mhm, yeah." robin mumbled.

"can i... can i kiss you?" adella asked, almost hesitantly.

"yes." robin answered definitively.

adella smiled wider at her, gently pressing their lips together. robin's eyes widened before they fluttered closed, her hands moving to hold adella's face lightly when the cuban woman's hands moved to her waist. after a few moments, they pulled away, leaning their foreheads against each other's, robin seemingly frozen.

"i better put these on the shelves." adella whispered.

"that's- that's what you're paid for." robin mumbled.

adella laughed softly and kissed her again quickly before leaving the back room, robin just staring after her. steve suddenly appeared in the doorway, raising an eyebrow at her shocked face, "what happened?"

"sorry, what?" robin asked, looking to him.

"oh, my god, i was right, wasn't i? she likes boobies!" steve whispered yelled.

"stop saying boobies!"


ew kinda hate this chapter but anywho have some gay

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