。fifty six 。

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as nancy was stuck in vecna's hold, everyone started to panic and steve was trying to wake her up while dustin, adella, lucas, robin, max and eddie searched the metal head's bedroom for any music that nancy would ever listen to. it was hard because eddie only seemed to have heavy metal music and nancy wheeer most definitely did not enjoy the sounds of metallica and iron maiden.

"steve says you need to hurry up!" erica yelled, running into eddie's bedroom.

"yeah? no shit!" dustin shot back.

"we're trying. we can't find anything!" max added.

"metallica, dio, iron maiden, metallic- fuck!" adella yelled.

"seriously, what is all this shit?" robin asked, holding cassettes.

"what are you even looking for?" eddie demanded.

"madonna, blondie, bowie, beatles? music! we need music!" robin shouted.

"this is music!" eddie screamed as he snatched the iron maiden cassette she held out.

"not the right fucking kind, munson!" adella retorted.

"yeah, well me and nancy aren't similar!"

"your hair is."

"she's awake!" steve yelled suddenly and they rushed back to see him holding nancy who was gasping for air.

they decided to go to max's caravan, the sun now coming up. nancy was still recovering from the shock of vecna taking over her mind as the group looked at her, waiting for the explanation they knew she was going to give. they only hoped it was helpful and not at all murderous or threatening, but this was vecna, not peter rabbit.

"he showed me things that haven't happened yet." nancy started quietly. "the most awful things. i saw a dark cloud spreading over hawkins. downtown on fire. dead soldiers. and this... giant creature with... a gaping mouth. and this creature wasn't alone. there were so many monsters. an army. and they were coming into hawkins. into our neighbourhoods. our homes. and then... he showed me my mum. and holly. mike. and they... they were all..."

nancy didn't finish her statement and steve spoke, "okay, but... he's just trying to scare you, nance. right? i mean... i mean, it's not real."

"not yet." nancy whispered. "but there... there was something else. he showed me gates. four gates. spreading across hawkins. and these gates, they looked like the one outside of eddie's trailer, but... they didn't stop growing. and this wasn't the upside down hawkins. this was our hawkins. our home."

"four chimes." max spoke up, sharing a glance with adella.

"vecna's clock." adella continued, leaning into robin. "it chimes four times. always."

"four exactly." max nodded.

"i heard them too." nancy breathed.

"he's been telling us his plan this whole time." max stated.

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