。thirty eight 。

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the next day, the group went back to reefer rick's house, heading towards the shed, holding some food and drink for eddie. they got to the door, dustin shoving it open. eddie exclaimed and held the bottle up defensively before seeing who it was.

"delivery service." dustin smiled and eddie sighed as steve gave him a small wave, wiggling his fingers.

eddie sat back down in the boat, taking the box of cereal from dustin as well as a yoohoo milkshake. dustin started speaking as eddie shoved cereal in his mouth, "so we got, uh, some good news and some bad news. how do you prefer it?"

"bad news first, always." eddie replied, sipping his drink.

"alright. bad news. we tapped into the hawkins pd dispatch with our cerebro and they're definitely looking for you. also, they're, uh, pretty convinced you killed chrissy." dustin explained.

"like, 100% kind of convinced." max added.

"and the good news?" eddie asked, looking between them.

"your name hasn't gone public yet." adella spoke up, standing beside robin.

"but if we found out about you, it's only a matter of time before others do." robin chimed in. "and once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gone be gunning for you."

"hung the freak, right?" eddie mused.

"exactly." robin nodded.

"shit." eddie swore.

"it's just hide-and-seek but darker and more...alieney." adella mumbled.

"so, before that happens, we need to find vecna, kill him and prove your innocence." dustin said.

"that's all, dustin? that's all?" eddie shot back, squinting at dustin.

"yeah, no, that's pretty much it." dustin agreed, his voice raising an octave.

"listen, eddie," robin sighed, "i know everything dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually been through this kinda thing before. i mean, they have a- a few times, and- and i have once. mine was more human-flesh-based and theirs was more smoke-related, but bottom line is, collectively, i really feel like we got this."

"we usually rely on adella and her sister who have superpowers. but, uh, those went bye-bye, so..." steve trailed off, shrugging.

"so we're technically in more of the-" robin stuttered.

"kinda..." steve added.

"brainstorming phase." adella finished.

steve snapped his fingers and pointed at her, "brainstorming."

"there- there's nothing to worry about." dustin spluttered.

"yeah..." steve said with an uncertain chuckle as eddie gave them a look of disbelief, eyes wide. sirens wailed in the distance suddenly and they assumed they were coming to reefer rick's for eddie. "shit."

"tarp." robin ordered. "tarp. tarp."

eddie quickly lay down in the boat and pulled the tarp over his body as the group moved to look out of the window, only to see the police cars going straight past rick's, heading somewhere else.

they all got back into steve's car and followed after the commotion. when they got to the crime scene, there was a sheet over the road and some officers and the new sheriff were speaking to nancy and it seemed as though she was there or near during the drama that
occurred the night before.

nancy glanced away from the chief and looked towards the group, giving them a smile and a small wave as the policemen kept asking her the same question she repeatedly didn't answer as she stared at the group.



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