。eighteen 。

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adella, dustin and erica were all together in a spacious vent, the boy unscrewing the top that protected the wires of the large fan beside them which stopped them from getting through. while they were in there, dustin was explaining to erica what had happened in the previous years.

"so, when we set fire to the hub, we drew the demo-dogs away so el and adella could close the gate. but now, for some insane reason, the russians appear to be trying to reopen it, which just destroys everything we risked our lives for." dustin explained.

"by 'we', you're including lucas?" erica questioned.

"yes." adella spoke up, leaning on the wall opposite them.

"so, all that shit you told me, lucas was there?" erica asked.

"yeah." dustin nodded.

"my brother, lucas charles sinclair?" she pressed.

"yes!" the other two exclaimed.

"i don't believe you." erica denied.

"wait, so you believe everything about el and the gate and the demo-dogs and the mind flayer, but you question your brother's involvement?" dustin inquired in confusion.

"that's correct." erica answered.

"makes total sense." dustin said sarcastically making adellla smile slightly.

"um, you need help with that?" erica offered.

"no." dustin muttered.

"i agree, it is taking a while, so-"

"yeah, no shit, sherlock." dustin shot back, cutting off adella.

"alright, so if we don't find a more efficient mother to stop these fans, we're never gonna find help, and your ice cream buddies are screwed." erica stated firmly.

"yeah, with that attitude, they are. jee-zu!" dustin mumbled.

"i'm just being realistic. i mean, we've made it about point-three miles in nine hours. then we had to walk three hours down that tunnel, so i'd estimate ten miles back to the elevator, which should take us approximately twelve-and-a-half days." erica explained with such ease it made dustin and adella share a glance.

"did you just do all of that in your head?" dustin asked.

"i'm good with numbers." erica shrugged.

"ha! you're a nerd." adella chuckled.

erica scoffed, "come again?"

"i think what she meant was, you... are... a... nerd." dustin drawled out.

"okay, you better take that back, nerds." erica snapped.

"can't put the truth back in the box." dustin replied. "and adella is definitely not a nerd."

"no, unlike you, erica the nerd, i'm not smart enough." adella smirked.

"you just insulted yourself." erica stated.

"i heard it after i said it." she muttered.

"anyway, it's not the truth." erica said, turning back to dustin.

"let's examine the facts, shall we?" dustin started. "fact one: you're a math whiz, apparently."

"that was a pretty straightforward equation." erica mused.

"fact number two: you're a political junkie." dustin listed.

"just because i don't agree with communism as an ideology-"

"fact number three: you love my little pony." dustin held up her bag, which the young girl snatched back.

"and what does my little pony have to do with this?" erica demanded.

"ah, let's recall the ponies' latest adventure, shall we? the evil centaur team and tirek turns applejack into a dragon at midnight castle, and then megan and the other ponies have to use moonchick's magic to defeat his rainbow of darkness, saving them from a lifetime of enslavement. all the pink in the world can't disguise the irrefutable fact that centaurs and castles and dragons and magic are all standard nerd tropes. ergo, my little pony is nerdy. ergo, you, erica, are a nerd." dustin explained.

"and how do you know so much about my little pony?" erica asked.

"because i'm..." dustin paused, taking the lid off the wires, "a nerd." he pulled the wires out which made the fan stop before he looked to erica. "let's go... nerd."

"you..." erica sneered with glaring eyes as adella and dustin started to crawl under the turned off fan with her following close behind.


hee hee

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