。thirty three 。

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inside of family video, steve and robin were working, placing tapes on their shelves. adella was late to their shift but robin chose that time to tell steve about their conversation in her car after the basketball game.

"then adella laughed. and it wasn't like a cheap, fake laugh either." robin grinned happily.

"you've made her laugh before." steve said in confusion.

"yeah, but this laugh was after i accidentally blurted it out and it wasn't uncomfortable or forced." robin added. "it was like... it was a real, genuine laugh."

"of course she laughed, robin. tammy thompson singing is hilarious." steve mumbled, putting away another tape.

"my point is that adella laughed after i mentioned i liked tammy and everything was just like... it was perfect." robin explained as they both walked.

"but?" steven prompted.

"but i'm having this problem where it's like, i should stop talking. i have said everything i need to say. but then i guess i get nervous, and the words, they just- they keep spilling out, and it's like my... my brain is moving faster than my mouth, or-or rather my- my mouth is moving faster than my brain. and it's like i'm digging this hole for myself, and i wanna stop digging, i'm trying to stop, but i can't. and i'm doing it right now, aren't i?" robin asked, turning to steve.

"yeah, you are." steve nodded.

robin sighed and walked backwards, leaning on the wall, "i'm hopeless."

"eh. we both are." steve mused.

"you're both what?" adella asked, closing the door behind her.

"hopeless." steve replied and she hummed, nodding.

"if only we could just, like, combine." robin told steve and adella wondered what kind of conversation she walked in on.

"combine?" steve questioned with slight widened eyes.

"no, think about it. i know exactly what i want, and i've found the girl of my dreams," robin lowered her voice so adella couldn't hear from the till, "but i just can't get the courage to ask her out. meanwhile, you go on, like, a million dates. and you have no idea what you want. so if we just combined, all our problems would be solved. because, i mean, alone, let's face it..."

"we totally suck." steve shrugged.

"totally and utterly." robin agreed. "ooh, i think i found our morning movie." she ran across the shop and adella looked as she picked up a tape. "doctor zhivago."

"ugh, you know i don't do double vhs." steve scoffed.

"but it's about doomed love." robin said, holding the tape to her chest.

"which is definitely not depressing." adella remarked sarcastically.

"well, it's relatable." steve spoke up.

"precisely." robin nodded. "also, julie christie is b-b-bonkers hot in this. like, seriously, one of the most beautiful creatures i have seen in my life."

"i have to agree with you otherwise i'd be lying." adella hummed.

steve gave robin a look as if to say he was right as robin rolled her eyes and turned on the tv behind the counter, stopping when a news report caught their attention.

"we're in the forest hills trailer park in east roane county. we don't have a lot of details now, but we can confirm that the body of a hawkins high student was discovered early this morning. police have not yet released the name..."

"holy shit."

"...although we are told they're currently in the process of notifying the family."



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