。thirty two 。

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adella slammed her car door shut after parking in the school car park, making her way to the doors to watch lucas' basketball game. robin was already inside as she was in band and steve was coming in his car with his date so adella denied getting a lift from him because she couldn't stand being a third-wheeler.

she went into the gym, giving robin a grin as she passed, robin returning it a little bashfully as she held her trumpet. the cheerleaders were cheering on for the basketball team as they waited for it it start. adella caught lucas' eye and she gave him a smile and a wave making his grin at the fact someone had showed up for him.

"does it bother you that, like, we might win a championship right after you graduated?" steve's date, brenda, asked him over the band's loud music.

"y'know, yeah, yeah, that's an interesting point. thank you so much for bringing that up, brenda." steve replied, scowling at adella when she snorted in amusement as the pair moved to stand by her.

the band stopped and the headteacher stood by the microphone, "everyone now please rise for our national anthem. singing for us tonight, we have a very special guest. all the way from nashville, our very own tammy thompson!"

most people cheered as adella's eyes went wide, knowing tammy was a god-awful singer while steve and robin shared a shocked glance, linked to their conversation in the bathroom after they threw up the drug. tammy strutted out, waving at everyone with a large smile.

"o say, can you see" tammy started, singing off-key as the microphone feedback whined. "by the dawn's early light"

"told you. muppet." steve whispered over to robin.

"okay, she does sound like a muppet." robin agreed before engaging in a small conversation with vicki.

adella looked over at the two band members as robin made vicki laugh at something. a small amount of jealousy pitted in her stomach and she looked away from them, chewing on her bottom lip thoughtfully. she doubted she had a chance with robin anyway.

"wow. she sounds amazing, doesn't she?" brenda asked in amazement.

steve glanced at her as if agreeing silently before sharing a grimace with adella all while tammy was singing terribly in the background, nearly making their ears bleed.

the game started soon after, the cheerleaders chanting, 'push 'em back, defence! push 'em back!' which adella thought was just stupid. but hawkins scored a point bwcause jason got it through the hoop and people cheered and clapped as chrissy cunningham gave her boyfriend a small smile when he grinned at her with sweaty hair.

adella watched the game, even if she had no idea what was going on, just waiting for lucas to go. and suddenly he was in the game and she cheered when he managed to get the ball almost straight away. however, the other team scored more as well and they were eventually at 69:68 to the other team.

jason called a time-out frantically, the ball under his arm. when the game resumed, the ball was thrown and hit the edge of the hoop, bouncing off. it landed on the court and lucas managed to take it from under the group of boys, dribbling it a few feet away to take his shot.

he pivoted and threw the ball with a jump, the buzzer going off as the basketball was mid-air. everyone watched intently until the ball went through the hoop and the crowd erupted in loud cheers. the team lifted lucas up and he almost felt welcomed into their little group for once.

the team, cheerleaders and crowd left the school and adella waited by her car for robin, seeing as though she was giving her a lift home. she saw the sandy-blonde leave the school next to vicki and glanced down at her shoes, kicking a pebble that was in front of her foot.

"hey." robin grinned and adella looked back up to face her.

"hi. you played well." adella smiled, opening the drivers seat door as robin opened the passenger seat one, both of them getting into the car.

"thanks." robin mumbled, placing her hat in the backseat and her trumpet case between her feet.

adella started the car up and pulled out of her parking space, "i don't think steve's gonna go out with brenda again."

"why not?" robin asked.

"she's tone deaf. she thought tammy thompson sounded amazing." adella chuckled and robin laughed. "it's a shame, brenda was pretty and steve liked her."

"hm, i'm sure he'll move on by tomorrow." robin mused.

"true." adella hummed. "god, i actually can't believe how bad she was. my ears are pulsating in pain after that."

"i've gotta admit, mine, too. i can't believe i used to have a crush on her." robin scoffed before her eyes widened.

robin glanced at adella to see what her facial expressions were giving away but her face was blank so she wondered if she heard her confession. she did. adella was just thinking about her words. sure, she may have been a little jealous when vicki and robin laughed together but she only thought she never had a chance because she assumed robin didn't like women. she was very wrong.

"tammy thompson?" adella asked and robin closed her eyes tightly, scared to be rejected by her friend she wished was more. "you liked tammy thompson out of all the girls in our school, tammy thompson?"

"huh?" robin questioned quietly.

"you had a crush on her? tammy thompson!" adella exclaimed with a small laugh. "robin, tammy thompson?"

"don't say it again." robin groaned, covering her face with her hands, a small smile on her face now she understood adella didn't care she liked girls, she was just taking the piss because of which girl she liked.

"okay, i won't." adella nodded and robin removed her hands from her face. "tammy thompson!"


"i'm sorry!" adella laughed. "steve's right, she does sound like a muppet."

"miss. piggy, right?" robin said.

"oh, definitely." adella agreed and robin laughed with her. "do... do you still like her? miss. piggy?"

"no, i came to my senses." robin answered, scoffing a small laugh and adella glanced at her.

"there's someone else, then?" adella quizzed, not sure if she wanted to know the answer.

"yeah." robin hummed, staring at her with blown out pupils. "she's nice, funny, very pretty. it's a bonus she's not tone deaf, though. i just don't think she feels the same way, so i'm not gonna say anything in case my theory is right and then  she might tell people, but i doubt it, 'cause, like i said, she's really nice. only i presume the rest of hawkins isn't, 'cause let's face it, not exactly a place full of friendly people-"

"robin, calm down." adella smiled, cutting her off. "i'm sure she feels the same way. and if she doesn't... she either likes only men or is out of her mind."

"yeah." robin hummed. "can i put on some music?"

"sure." adella mumbled and robin did so while she was still thinking robin was in love with vicki.


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