。thirty one 。

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after steve and adella dropped robin at school, they went to family video, needing to do their shift. while adella was placing video tapes on their shelves, steve was still rambling about his dates, now having gotten his mojo back because of robin's advice.

slowly, it was starting to aggravate the cuban woman so she placed her headphone back over her ears, content when abba flowed from them and steve's voice seemed quieter behind the tune of waterloo.

"what do you think i should do? i asked robin but she was no help. ella? adella!" steve called and she turned around but not because she heard him, because she was finished putting away the tapes. "ella! hello!"

she took her headphones back on, "you finally done now?"

"w... rude." steve mumbled as she moved behind the counter beside him. "i just don't know what i should do."

"steve, women love you, and you love women, it's obvious. it's also obvious you aren't ready to find someone to settle down with and you don't need to because you're still only 20." adella grumbled.

"i know, but it's getting frustrating. i don't want another relationship based on sex!" he exclaimed.

"well, you're lucky you can have a relationship with a woman at all!" adella shot back and he sent her a confused look.

"what does that mean?" steve asked and she sighed, pushing some hair behind her ear. "adella, hey, what's up?"

"nothing." she shrugged. "i'd just rather lick a live wire than listen to you go in about hayley-"


"-for another hour!" adella finished. "please, steve, just bring up another topic or stop talking, i beg of you."

"what about-"

"another topic doesn't include a different woman."

"oh." steve nodded and looked to the phone when it rang, picking it up, "hello-"

"steve, i need to you help me and mike. lucas is out and we need you for hellfire!" dustin's panicked voice came down the phone.

"will people stop cutting me off today, jeez. anyway, i can't, i have a date." steve replied, leaning on the counter.

"just move your date this one time. come on." dustin ordered.

"what, to hang out with you and eddie 'the freak' munson?" steve retorted, wincing when adella slapped his back for calling eddie a freak. "uh, yeah, i'll pass."

"you're just jealous 'cause i have another older male friend." dustin stated.

steve grimaced, "ew. ugh. whatever. besides, i mean, i really dig this girl. i mean, i think that she could... who knows, maybe she could be the one."

"put adella on the phone!" dustin demanded frantically.

steve hurriedly handed adella the phone as some women walked in and he immediately wanted to serve them. adella rolled her eyes at him and spoke, "hey, dustin."

"hey, ella. nice flight? cool, wow. anyway, can you join hellfire tonight?" dustin asked.

"no, i promised lucas i'd watch him play." adella answered. "sorry."

"god, you're both useless!" dustin yelled and hung up on her.

adella gasped in offence, "little shit!"

"his attitude is getting worse, right?" steve mused, glancing at her.

adella hummed, moving to stand next to him, "he needs to calm his ego, it's nearly as big as your hair."

"hey! anyway, eddie's not that special, is he? i mean, he's a freak." steve mumbled.

"he's not a freak, just has different taste and doesn't exactly do great in school. and you're just jealous because of how much time dustin is spending with him."

"that's- what? that's so not true!"


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