。fifty eight 。

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since stealing the camper-van, steve was still driving towards the war zone while explaining to nancy how he wanted his future wife to push six demons out of her clacker. everyone else was quiet and adella leant her chin on her fist, staring out of the window, queen still playing repeatedly in her ears for the umpteenth time.

"hey." robin smiled and she pushed one headphone of one ear.

"hi." adella mumbled with her own grin, keeping their voices quiet. "this is all very horrifying."

"yeah. imagine i didn't get the job at scoops. i would've never known about the russians which means i'd have no clue about vecna and life would be way, way, way, way, way easier." robin mused and adella nodded. "but, i suppose it's not all that bad, taking away the murders and dark wizards."

"no?" adella hummed and robin smiled wider, her eyes flickering over her face.

"if i hadn't, we never would've spoke." robin said.

"how do you know?" adella asked.

"because whenever i was around you i'd get a brain fart." robin answered making her laugh quietly. "seriously, it's like i couldn't function properly. i was like the tin man at the start of the wizard of oz. i should thank those evil russians. you know, for kinda making us closer."

"can you smell that?" adella asked and robin shook her head. "its cheese. it's so very cheesy."

"oh, ha ha." robin rolled her eyes as adella laughed again. "i had to plan that speech in my head five hundred times 'cause i knew i'd get on a completely different topic otherwise. you insulted my best work. how dare you?"

"my apologies, shakespeare. forgive me." adella grinned.

"no. never." robin denied and adella scoffed playfully. "i'm gonna be the best writer in history and you've insulted my work. i shall never forgive you."

"if it helps..." adella whispered, leaning closer, "i like your face."

"i hate you." robin stated, a smile tugging at her lips which adella wanted so desperately to kiss.

"oh, please. big fat lie." adella grinned. "i'm your favourite person. you love me so much."

"shut up, i hate you." robin denied.

"liar." adella smirked, laying her legs across robin's lap, the taller girl placing her hands over her thighs, playing with a loose thread of her trousers.

robin flicked her forehead lightly and adella dramatically gasped.

"still listening to the same song?" robin asked and adella nodded. "i don't know how you or max can listen to it on repeat for hours, literally days."

"well, kate bush is amazing and queen is superior. plus, if it turned it off, fairly sure that's treason." adella shrugged making robin chuckle. "i can always just put a different queen song on. i have most of the albums."

"the game is still the best in my opinion." robin hummed.

"it has many good ones. another one bites the dust and don't try suicide are masterpieces." adella nodded. "although you can't name a bad one."

"you can't. treason."

"yeah." adella chuckled. "i'd like to be able to see them one day. it would probably be one of the best experiences anyone could have."

"what about we get one of those pots and save up 'cause we're both poor right now." robin suggested with a small shrug.

"deal." adella held her hand out jokingly. "shake it, speare."

"piss off." soon they arrived at the war zone and erica, robin, adella, nancy, steve and max walked inside seeming loads of people all shopping for weapons. robin looked at the group, "so much do avoiding angry hicks."

"let's be... fast." nancy muttered.




they walked around and picked up everything they needed. adella was holding searching a shelf when she saw jason caver holding onto the gun nancy wanted to buy very tightly. he looked very angry as always and almost drunk or tired. she pitied the fact his girlfriend had died, it was hard losing people, but you couldn't go around trying to kill someone who hand them been proven guilty just because they liked to play a fantasy game.

she rushed over to them, "hey, nance. jason."

jason took a glance at her, meeting her glare before shoving the gun towards nancy and walking back to the counter to buy his own. nancy bought the gun quickly and everyone rushed to buy the supplies and then hurried to the camper-van.

"what happened?" lucas asked.

"we gotta go." steve stated and sat in the drivers seat.

"your old friends are here." erica told lucas.

"shit!" lucas swore.

"let's go! let's go!"

"i'm going! i'm going! sit down!"

the drove out of the car park, jason watching after the camper-van as his friends loaded weapons into their truck. he was going crazy.


will they live to watch queen live? probably not, people like killing gays

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will they live to watch queen live? probably not, people like killing gays.

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