。sixty two 。

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a loud chime came from the grandfather clock behind the four in the crew house and they span to it. it chimed a second time and they rushed towards it. it chimed a third time. and then a fourth.

"four chimes." nancy breathed. "max."

the ground suddenly shook again and nancy fell into steve, adella gripping onto robin tightly as they leaned onto the stair railing of the house. the house started to split into a very large gate, cracking open with an orangey-red bright hue and they watched in shock, holding onto the stair railing as it did so. they couldn't see four more gates cracking open across hawkins. the one on the road, the one in eddie's trailer and the one in lover's lake.

vecna won.

a final rumble went across hawkins before everything stopped and the four straightened up. worried, they immediately left the broken house and started to head back towards eddie and dustin. after their run, they saw eddie's trailer was split open the same as the house but they heard a choked cry that caught their attention next. it was loud and agonised.

"dustin." steve mumbled and ran towards the sound, the three at his side.

"oh, god." robin whispered when they saw dustin crying beside eddie bitten and dead body, dead bats surrounding the pair.

"help me." dustin pleaded with them, still trying to lift eddie up. "we can take him to- to the hospital. please, help me lift him."

"dustin." steve shook his head and crouched beside the boy who sobbed again. "he's gone."

"n- no." dustin denied, lying to himself as he looked up at steve. "c'mon?"

"we can't bring him back, i'm sorry." steve apologised and dustin broke down again, crying into his shoulder as steve hugged him back tightly.

with dustin still crying, and limping with an abjured leg, they got out of the upside down. they found out that max had died in lucas' arms in the creel attic but the paramedics managed to revive her although she was left to be in a coma in the hospital. jason was killed by being split in half by the gate opening in the attic.

adella went back to the cabin, too tired to clean up the mess jason and his goons had made. she made her way into bed and collapsed onto her sheets, gripping her pillow tightly. she was exhausted. tears filled her eyes and she swallowed dryly, feeling them drip down her temple and onto her pillow.

she didn't care that her ear hurt as it pressed her headphones into the side of her head, bohemian rhapsody continuing on and she couldn't be bothered to turn it off even though there was no threat of vecna killing her to finish her plan. he took max instead. no one knew if she would wake up but she would be blind and more than likely paralysed.

adella regretted not fighting max harder to be the one to take on vecna in his mind. she could've saved max from being put in that coma. she could've saved lucas from being in extreme pain. but she didn't. she couldn't go back and change what she did and didn't do to help. it was impossible but she wished that she could've been in max's place. max would have been fine.

no one would know that eddie died for everyone in the town. he saved everyone who hated him. he could have ran away at the first sign of trouble but he didn't. he was a hero for people that would never even know about it and would continue to hate him for simply existing, thinking that he killed chrissy cunningham.

still crying silently, adella closed her eyes and allowed herself to sleep, hoping nightmares didn't fill her mind for one night. just 8 hours of peace is what she hoped for right now. she wanted rid of the guilt and pain for a while but when she woke, it would all come crushing back down on her shoulders, weighing her down with real nightmares.


i didn't know what to do cuz stranger things was stUPID AND SKIPPED TWO FUCKING DAYS!!!!!

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