。twelve 。

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erica sinclair, lucas' sister, stood on the ladder leading to the vent as she shined a torch down it, seeing how large the space was because robin had the idea of sending erica down the vents instead of trying to force dustin's body to bend and fold like a paper aeroplane.

"hmm..." erica hummed before coming down the ladder and looking to the group. "yeah, i don't know."

"you don't know if you can fit?" dustin asked.

"oh, i can fit. i just don't know if i want to." erica shrugged.

"are you claustrophobic?" robin inquired, leaning on the counter behind her between steve and adella.

erica snickered, "i don't have phobias."

"okay, well, what's the problem?" steve questioned.

"the problem is, i still haven't heard what's in this for erica." the child stated and steve sighed in annoyance.

"tu trabajas en una heladeria, yo en un cine. es el sueño de todo niño." adella whispered to robin. (you work in an ice cream parlour, me in a movie theatre. it's every child's dream)

"not a bad idea." robin smirked.

the group moved to a booth in the corner of the parlour and steve kept making erica multiple different ice cream sundaes, comes and tubs. adella already offered any sweets she wanted from the cinema every time she went but erica wanted more.

steve slid a banana split towards the child who pushed it back, "more fudge, please. go on."

steve left and adella handed the blueprints to robin who held them up for erica, "you see this? this is the route you're gonna take. then we just wait till the last delivery goes out tonight. then you knock out the grate, jump down, open the door."

"then you find out what's in those boxes?" erica guessed.

"exactly." robin agreed, placing the prints down.

"mhm. and you say this guard is armed." erica mused.

"yes, but he won't be there." dustin told her.

"and booby traps?" erica asked.

"booby traps?" robin repeated with raised brows.

"lasers, spikes in the wall?" erica listed.

"what?" robin sniggered as adella snorted in amusement at the girl.

"you know what this half-baked plan of yours sounds like to me?" erica started. "child endangerment."

"we'll be in radio contact with you the whole time-"

"ah, ah, ah! chid endangerment." erica emphasised, cutting robin off.

"erica?" dustin sighed and she looked to him. "hi. uh... we think these russians wanna do harm our country. great harm. don't you love your country?"

"you can't spell 'america' without 'erica'." she replied before slurping her drink very loudly.

"uh, ye- yeah. oddly, thats, uh, totally true. so- so, don't do this for us. do it for your country. do it for your fellow man. do this for america... erica." dustin tried to persuade her.

"oh, my fuck." adella mumbled, leaning her head on the wall.

"ooh! i just got the chills!" erica began and dustin beamed. "oh, yeah, from this float, not your speech. you know what i love most about this country? capitalism. do you know what capitalism is?"

"yeah." dustin nodded.

"yeah." robin repeated.

"no." adella denied.

"it means this is a free market system. which means people get paid for their services, depending on how valuable their contributions are. and it seems to me, my ability to fit into that little vent is very, very valuable to you all. so, you want my help? you already agreed for the candy, but this uss butterscotch better be the first of many. and i'm talking free ice cream for life!" erica finalised as she but a cherry off it's stem, throwing the stem down sassily.

obviously, they agreed.


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