。forty three 。

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nancy pulled into pennhurst asylum, parking before they got out. robin stumbled in her heels, holding onto adella's arm which made her stumble on her own heels as she grumbled, pulling at her shirt slightly. robin was wearing a pink frilly top that looked awful in general and did not suit her at all with a cream cardigan and a long blue, yellow and pink skirt. adella was wearing a pale yellow shirt that was uncomfortable under her arms and a long peach skirt, both girls also wearing white socks and heels on their feet.

"i can't breathe in this thing, and i'm itching. i'm itching all over." robin gritted at nancy.

"i feel like i have full-body lice!" adella whispered yelled towards the shortest girl, itching under her arms and grabbing onto robin when her ankle rolled over in the heels. the tallest thing she'd worn shoe wise was a pair of old boots which were even height unlike these heels. "i look like i was spat out from the '50s!"

"it's not all about comfort." nancy hissed. "okay? we're academics."

"who are evidently coming straight from an easter brunch." robin said.

"that happened thirty years ago!" adella added, pulling at her shirt again.

"also, this bra that you gave me is really pinching my boobs." robin added, fiddling with the wire.

"and my thighs are sticking together under this table-cloth you call a skirt." adella groaned.

"okay. could you just let me do the talking? if that's even possible?" nancy snapped and adella rolled her eyes as her dig.

"it's not only possible, it's inevitable. because shortly, i'll be dead from strangulation." robin snarked.

"seriously, my thighs are gonna chafe." adella glared. "i could've at least had a pair of tights?"

"it wouldn't make sense. the skirt is too long for tights and you're wearing socks." nancy rolled her eyes.

"socks that look like they were pulled off a two-year-old that was being christened." adella bit back as they walked inside of the asylum.

they were invited into the dr. hatch's office and nancy continued to shoot the couple glares when they would shift uncomfortably in their clothes as he read their fake files. adella grimaced and crossed her legs over, smoothing out her skirt as she shared a glance with robin who looked like she wanted nothing more than to be swallowed alive.

"3.9 gpas. all three of you. impressive." he said, closing the file.

"and this is a recommendation from professor brantley." nancy smiled, handing a sheet of paper to him as robin pulled at her collar again.

"yeah, i know larry. quite well, actually." he nodded and that made them all share a discreet look of worry. "eh, you know what they say. 'those who can't do, teach'." robin laughed falsely with him so adella chose to follow her lead which earned themselves another look from nancy.

"uh, yes, yes, that's actually why we're here. i mean, we can only learn so much in a classroom." nancy said.

hatch hummed, "and i'm sympathetic to your struggle, truly. but there is a protocol to visiting a patient like victor. you have to put in a request, and then you have to undergo a screening process, at which point the board will make a decision. i can see your disappointed. but i'm more than happy to give you a tour of our facility. perhaps you can even speak to some patient in our low-security wing."

"we're very disappointed." adella smiled falsely but nancy tried to cover her words.

"and we'd... we would love that. it's just that, um..." nancy clicked her tongue, "our thesis is due next month."

"and you're out of time." hatch said almost snappily. "whose fault is that?"

"ours. absolutely." nancy nodded. "and i do apologise-"

"no." adella interrupted.

"don't apologise, ruth. screw that." robin spoke up. "the fact is, we did put in a request months ago and were denied. and then we reapplied and were denied again. and coming here was our last-ditch effort to save our thesis. and i really... i can breathe in this thing."

"uh, well, rose, maybe you'd like to go outside and get some air. maybe you should help her, maria." nancy hissed.

"maybe i should, ruth." robin confined, standing up and nancy hummed. "because i'm started to think this whole thing is a colossal mistake. i'm breaking out in a rash. my boobs hurt. and i'll tell you the truth, anthony. may i call you anthony? these aren't my clothes and those aren't maria's clothes, either. we borrowed them because we wanted you to take us seriously because nobody takes girls seriously in this field. they just don't. we don't look the part or whatever. but can i tell you a story? 1978, i was at summer camp. and my counsellor drew told me and everyone in cabin c the true story of the victor creel massacre. and little petey mchew- you know petey, right, maria?"

"yes, wimpy, couldn't spell right." adella added as nancy didn't know where the fuck they were going with this.

"yeah. little petey mchew started sobbing there on the spot. full-on hyperventilating and all the other campers could sleep for weeks. and i couldn't either, but not 'cause i was scared, because i was obsessed with the question, 'what would drive a human being to commit such unimaginable acts?' other kids wanted to be astronauts, basketballs players, rock stars. but i wanted to be you. i wanted to be you. so, forgive me if i'll now try anything in my power, including wearing this ridiculous outfit, if i might get to speak to the man that ignited my passion and learn a little bit more about how his twisted, but let's face it, totally fascinating mind works. so, yes, we don't have the official paperwork, but don't tell me that cry-baby petey mchew wouldn't have gotten an audience with victor in a matter of moments if he'd asked politely, because you and i both know that he would." robin finished and adella stared up at her with what could only be described as heart eyes. "so... 10 minutes with victor. that's all i ask."

he was persuaded.

"i'm back in 30." hatch told his secretary as the four of them left his office.

robin stuck both hands out discreetly and nancy slapped one and adella slapped the other with a grin.


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