。twenty seven 。

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when they got back to starcourt, they took lucas' fireworks inside with them. in the centre of the mall, el was on the floor with a bloody forehead while billy stood in front of the mind flayer confidently, brainwashed. the mind flayer growled lowly before opening its cave of a mouth.

a clawed tendril started to slithered from its teeth-filled mouth, spreading open like a hand as it went for el slowly. a sudden bang sounded, a firework hitting the mind flayer in the back and exploding. the creature wailed in pain as the spark hit it.

"flay this, you ugly piece of shit!" lucas yelled and through a group of fireworks down at the mind flayer.

it came at him with an open face but the fireworks landed in the mind flayer's mouth, exploding making its screech. everyone was throwing fireworks from all around the higher levels of the mall, making the mind flayer stumble around slightly, braking the pillars which held up the mall.

"hey, asshole! over here!" steve called before throwing fireworks at it, robin and adella doing the same at his sides.

while the mind flayer had been taking the hits from the fireworks, billy was also effected by them seeing as though he was a part of its army. the teenager fell to his knees, groaning in pain as each blast from a firework that hit the mind flayer sent pain barrelling through him like a tsunami.

el was trying to shuffle back behind him, still slightly dazed from having her head hit on a wall brutally. when she managed to get to her knees, el tried to craw away but billy grabbed her ankle, even though he was in agony, dragging her back as the girl screamed in terror. adella heard and handed steve the firework she was about to lob.

holding her hand out, she used what could possibly be the last of her abilities to grab onto one of the mind flayers legs. her powers started to cut through it making both billy and the creature scream in pain. adella grunted, her nose bleeding as she forced the leg to break off.

it would blend back into the mind flayer but it distracted it and caused it pain for a moment. she turned her attention to the opposite back leg and forced her abilities on that leg, cutting through the melted human goo, making it slump on the floor. she stumbled slightly and robin gently grabbed her waist, keeping her upright.

"we're almost out!" will called.

"i know!" lucas replied.

"i'm okay, get the last ones before we run out." adella mumbled to robin who seemed hesitant in letting her go when she seemed weaker, her grip on her waist tightening worriedly. "seriously."

robin let go of her waist, leaving adella to lean on the railing as the other girl picked up a firework and threw it at the mind flayer while steve picked up the walkie-talkie, "dustin! we're out of time!"

"hurry! close it now!" dustin ordered. "close it!"

adella glanced up from the floor and saw el talking to billy shakily only he seemed to be listening and trying to kill her. el seemed to be crying and so did he as she raised a hand to his cheek, making memories come back to him with her words.

the last firework was thrown and the sparkles disappeared from sight. the mind flayer taped loudly and moved to stand in front of billy and el, ready to kill her. the creature snarled menacingly and roared again. the same clawed tendril came from its mouth and el tried to shuffle back, placing her arms over her face.

but it was stopped by billy. he held his hands in front of his body, stopping the claw from reaching el with a yell. max and mike watched from behind, having woken up from being knocked out by billy who yelled again as more clawed tendrils seeped from the sides of the mind flayers body.

the claws pierced through billy's torso and he screamed in pain, more stabbing his body. his hands leg go of the tendril coming out of the mind flayer's mouth, his body slumping slightly as tendrils continued to stab into him ruthlessly. dustin was yelling to close the gate in the background of the drama.

billy fell to his knees in front of the creature who roared at him, billy screaming back as black blood poured out of his mouth, staining his teeth. the tendril in the creatures mouth suddenly twisted into a point and stabbed him in the chest.

"billy!" max screamed painfully.

billy grunted as the mind flayer pulled the tendril from his chest along with the others, making him slump on the ground, bleeding to death. the mind flayer suddenly started screeching as it swayed form side to side, crashing into the railings which everyone jumped back from.

with a groan, it finally fell to the floor, dead.

steve, robin and adella lived to the railings and looked over them before the cuban woman looked down at el. using the last of her energy, adella moved to run down the stairs towards her sister who was now consoling a sobbing max next to billy's dead body. she sank down on the floor beside them and hugged the pair of them, max sobbing louder as she felt adella reach to squeeze her hand softly.

slowly, everyone was ushered to leave the mall as police and ambulances turned up. adella was sat in the back of one and given some water and a wipe for her nose. robin slowly walked over to her and sat down beside her making her smile warmly at her, even if she was exhausted.

"that was, uh, amazing." robin complimented, looking away from her to her hands. "i mean, really, really just amazing."

"you did amazing, too." adella hummed, adjusting her seating position so they were side by side.

"no, i didn't do that much." robin denied, shaking her head.

adella scoffed, "you translated a super secret russian spy code in a day, worked out the meaning of the code and escaped a russian base before helping us fight a creature from a different dimension."

"okay, i did a few things." robin chuckled, her cheeks heating up slightly.

"more than a few." adella muttered and robin finally looked to her.

"you have some blood under you nose." robin said and adella wiped it, not catching the streak of red. "let me- can i? i don't wanna make you uncomfortable-"

"please. i'll just smudge it." adella smiled and robin grabbed a new tissue.

the now ex-scooper swiped off the blood from her lip, gulping quietly as she stared at adella's lips. the woman opposite her was just studying her face again, as she did when they first spoke properly in the back room of scoops ahoy. while robin was wondering if her lips were as soft as they looked, adella was admiring the wave of freckles on her cheeks with a small grin.

"it's, um... it's gone." robin stuttered and looked away from her lips, meeting her eyes with a blush.

"thanks." adella mumbled but something else caught her eye.



she stood up and robin watched as she took a few steps and met joyce's eyes. she gave the older woman a questioning look but she shook her head with tearful eyes as she hugged will tightly, looking away from adella whose bottom lip began to tremble.

"hey, what happened?" robin asked and stood to help her sit back down.

"he's..." adella trailed off, a weak sob coming from her throat.

"ella!" el called and sped over to her sister with tears streaming down her face.

el crashed into adella's body and the older girl immediately wrapped her arms around her, both of them crying into each other, holding onto each other far too tightly. robin moved to leave them alone, walking over to steve to tell him not to go over when he went to, seeing his best friend sobbing.

"we're gonna be okay." adella whispered to el as the younger girl curled into her chest, adella crying too. "we're gonna be okay."


hee hee

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