Chapter One.

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     ALLISON GODFREY beats herself up everyday since she graduated in the class of '85, because when she graduated and Eddie didn't show up at all to the ceremony and even showed up late to the dinner, she got mad. She confronted Eddie about it who just explained that he was only late because of a D&D campaign he had with the Hellfire club.

"Eddie, you're always doing this! You say yes to me then you ditch me for your nerdy friends for nerdy D&D!" She raised her voice and his brows drew together in confusion. "Why do you care so much? Who gives a shit? You're just walking on a stage, being handed a diploma, whatever!" He said and she huffed loudly.

"You knew how much this meant to me!"

"And you know how much Hellfire means to me!" He argued back and she took a step back, her face contorts into anger, confusion and hurt all in one. "More than me?" She asked him and all he did was sigh. "Look, Al, good for you, you graduated and you're getting out of shitty Hawkins. But it's not like I'm ecstatic to see you graduate and... and just leave me behind." He says and she just gulped softly.

"I tried! You know that I did. I offered to tutor you, I offered to help you put in the extra work and all you did was go and play Dungeons and Dragons like a fucking nerdy kid. Grow up, Eddie! Grow the hell up!" She shoved him and he just stood up straight. "Oh, you wanna do that? You really wanna go there? What about you?!" He shoved her and she just scoffs.

"What about me?!" She exclaimed back and he just laughed, looking away. "We all know why you wanna graduate together so bad, you even wanted me to apply to the same college. And we both know why. Even our classmates. Your mom. Your dad. And my uncle. You're so fucking obsessed with me, it's pathetic, Al." He says and she just breathes out shakily.

"You're such a fucking dick!" She shoved him again, this time, he fell back onto the ground and looked up at her with a scared look on her face. She's always been physical and was never scared to fight whenever she had to defend herself, a boy named Tommy H. tried something on her in middle school and she sort of body slammed him on the floor.

She was a really scary and strong girl. He just took a gulp and slowly got up. "I--I'm sorry, Al, please--" "no! You've taken it too far. Leave." She demanded, her hand going onto the doorknob of her house so she can go back inside and celebrate her graduation with people who actually cared, her parents, her only friend, Michelle and even Eddie's uncle who was disappointed in Eddie for not showing up on time for the ceremony and dinner.

That was two years ago.

And now Allison walks up to her dad's home, with Michelle D'Angelo by her side, smiling faintly. "Can't wait to finally see your dilf dad again since Christmas." She said and Allison looks at her. "Oh, my God, Michelle. Please don't call him that." She grimaced at the girl who giggled quietly. "Sorry." She mumbles as Allison reached over to the doorbell.

But as usual when Carl Godfrey opens the door and greets his daughter and her friend, Michelle is giggling and twirling her hair. "Hi, Mr. Godfrey!" She said and Allison rolled her eyes. "Hi dad. Glad to be home." She smiles before walking in, giving her dad a quick hug.

Her parents are unfortunately divorced. They split up shortly after she left for college and her mom still lives at the trailer park meanwhile her dad moved to a different neighborhood, a nice house near Lovers Lake. She mostly visits her dad, she goes to her mom's for Thanksgiving and half of her summer break.

As for Michelle, she use to live with her grandma but she passed away about a year ago so the only family she has left now is the Waynes. Which is why Allison sometimes, (all the time), finds it so disturbing that Michelle finds Carl Godfrey attractive, because the girl is basically like her sister at this point.

For supper, Carl had made steak and fries on the side with some vegetables. It's funny. Allison always thought he'd sort of become a mess without Joanne, her mom, but he seemed to be doing fine. Chores, cooking, work. Allison was almost... happy they split up. She was sad at first but they seemed happier. Better off without each other. It made her feel less bad about how things ended with her and Eddie.

That was a different thing, but still hurt just as much as a break up could be. The three sat around the table now, Allison getting to catch up with her dad since Christmas break and Michelle got to talk about the project she's been working on for her photography class.

Allison got quiet at some point, wanting to ask about Eddie as Michelle slowly trails off, looking over at the girl who's just pushing her food around on her plate. "I'm gonna go see a couple of old friends, but I'll be home early!" She suddenly said as she stood up and Allison's gaze finally tears away from her plate.

"What? I thought we were renting a movie tonight." She says right away and Michelle shrugs. "Let's change it to tomorrow! You and your dad have loads planned and I really wanna see literally anyone else, we spend every day together. I love you, but I have other friends too." The girl teased and even leaned down to press a quick kiss to the top of Allison's head which only made the girl push her away.

"Whatever, just go!"

But once it was just her and her dad, it was really quiet and they did the dishes in silence, put on a movie and watched it together in silence. It was always like this with her dad and she kind of preferred it this way. They didn't need words. "So... do you like college?" He suddenly asked and she glanced at him.

"Yep." She says and it's quiet again as he awkwardly adjusted his blanket. "Eddie always asks me about you whenever I see him... I think he misses you." He said then cleared his throat and her heart swells. She's been itching to ask her dad how Eddie was doing.

It's like she didn't have to ask. "Oh... how is he?" She asked and glanced at him as he shrugs. "Doing the same as he always was." He says meanwhile in his trailer home, Eddie was witnessing Chrissy Cunningham die a very gruesome way he can't explain.














i call vecna's killings "snap crackle and pop" because i think i'm a comedian
+ i've had this chapter ready for a while so i decided to say f it and publish it.

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