Chapter Four.

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     JUST AS she said she would, Allison Godfrey returned the car, packed some food and drinks into a bag, grabbed some stuff, like her walkman and headphones. Her dad wasn't home because he left as soon as she returned, something about work. And Michelle was nowhere to be seen so she figures she's off at a friend's. Again. So she just quickly cleaned her room, checked everything else around the home before she leaves then she finally got to leave, walking to the front door.

She sighed before leaving quickly, wanting to return to Eddie and make sure that he was okay. When she got there, the sun had set, it's getting pretty late, and it was already dark outside, so she headed straight to the fish shack in the back, humming along and didn't realize a group of four people watching her.

She slipped off the headphones and carefully opened the door. "Ed?" She called out as she shut the door gently and the boy sat up in the boat, pushing the tarp off him. "Oh, Al," he quickly got out of the boat.

"I thought you were someone else. Did you bring me what I asked?" He asked and she just chuckles, taking out the box of Honeycomb. "Here." She said and couldn't help but stare at the boy who's grinning widely, opening up the box of cereal as quick as he could. But then the door opened, "hello?" It's a man.

Eddie pushed Allison behind him, grabbing the person and shoving them against the wall. "Ed!" Allison exclaimed, taken back by the fact the boy was now holding up a broken beer bottle to Steve Harrington's neck and like three other people rushed inside the shack.

Robin Buckley, Max Mayfield and Dustin Henderson. Two of which Allison didn't even know, but she recognized Robin and Steve. Robin was in her Spanish class when she was in her Junior year and Steve was the king of Hawkins High. Eddie's hostile and panicked at the sudden intrusion, as Steve's eyes were wide at the bottle on his neck.

"Woah, woah, woah, Eddie! Stop!" Dustin yelled at him as Allison just stood there frozen, unsure of what to do. She was also spooked anyway, standing there on the opposite side of Eddie holding up Steve against the wall. "Eddie! It's me." Eddie looked at Dustin.

"It's Dustin. This is Steve," the boy gestured to the other male. "He's not gonna hurt you two, right, Steve?" Dustin asked and the Harrington looks at Eddie. "Right. Yeah." He whispers, glancing over at Allison. "Steve, why don't you drop the oar?" Dustin said because the boy had grabbed it on their way in.

It falls to the ground, landing with a loud thud, between Eddie and Allison. He presses the sharp object closer to Steve's neck. "He's cool. He's cool." Dustin said as Steve grunts. "I'm cool, man. I'm cool." Steve says. "What are you doing here?" Eddie asked.

"We're looking for you." Dustin explained and Allison looks over at them. "We're here to help." Robin said. "Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin, from band." Dustin gestured to Robin next to him and the girl imitated playing an instrument. "This is my friend, Max." The young teen boy gestures to the redhead on the other side of him. "The one who never wants to play D&D." He explains further.

Max just raised her hand, glancing at Allison as well. "Eddie. We're on your side." He said and Eddie looked over at Allison before his eyes franctically go back to Steve and then Dustin, almost as if they'd try something while he's looking away. "Eddie. Ed... Let him go." She said and Eddie glanced at her.

And then he left Steve go who grunts, leaning forward as the other three let out sighs. Eddie just backed away and leaned against the wall so Allison looks at him. "Are you okay?" He asked right away as Robin bent over, making sure Steve was okay. "He just held a beer bottle to my neck, and you're asking him if he's okay?" Steve looked over as Eddie slides down the wall and Dustin and Max watch him.

"Wait, Allison Godfrey... what are you doing here? Didn't you graduate two years ago?" Steve's mood completely changed as he rubbed his neck and Allison furrows her brows before kneeling down in front of Eddie.

"Eddie..." Dustin says, coming over to Allison's side. "We just want to talk." He sounds cautious, scared to spook Eddie even more. "Ed?" Allison reached out but the boy pulled the beer bottle away before she could take it. "Ed." She said sternly so he looks up at her.

"We want to know what happened." Robin said, now kneeling down on the other side of Dustin. "You won't believe me." Eddie sounded sure of it as Allison reached over and tried to take the beer bottle, the boy's grip loosening as he looked at the other four in the shack.

"Try us." Max said and Allison looks at them all individually before Eddie. "Ed..." She whispers and Eddie immediately looks at her. "You have literally only one ally at the moment. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to... tell them." She whispers and he just stared blankly at her so she sighs.

"I'll be here. With you." She says as she grabs his hand and the group all awkwardly glance at one another before looking at the mysterious girl with their classmate/friend. She looked back over at them then quickly stood up, "right. I'm Allison Godfrey... Eddie and I were great friends all our childhood and I'm visiting from college for Spring." She smiles at them.

"Cool. I'm Dustin." The curly haired boy with the "thinking" hat held out his hand so Allison curtly shook it before glancing at the other two girls and Steve who Eddie was holding a beer bottle to earlier. "Robin and Max?" She pointed at the girls and they nod. "Hi." Robin smiles and Max just waved her hand like she did earlier.

"Oh, my God, now I remember... you and Eddie were inseparable. And annoying, like will they? Won't they?" Steve snorts as he chuckled and Allison squints her eyes at him. "Nice to see you again, King Steve, you peaked in high school, didn't you?" She retorts and he got quiet, glancing over at the others.

"Yeah, he totally did." Dustin nods and Allison smirks, glancing at Steve as Eddie quickly stood up. "Can we get back on topic?" He said, grabbing Allison's hand suddenly for them all to see, like a warning to Steve so Allison looked at him with a confused facial expression.

"Yeah, of course, Eddie."

authors note
wanna write jealous eddie moments despite the fact steve is so not allison's type lols

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