Chapter Seventeen.

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IT GOT darker while they were walking in the woods, Dustin in front of Allison and Eddie. "Hey," Eddie said suddenly, his voice quiet making Allison look over at him. "Hm?" She hums and he just glanced away, quickly, at the ground. "Did you mean what you said? You know, over the radio?" He asked. He had to, it practically the only thing that's been keeping him going since Allison said it.

"Hmm... what did I say? I'm very forgetful." When she says that, Eddie glanced up, smiling a bit because he figured she was messing with him, but she seemed genuinely lost on what he was talking about. "Oh... uh, nevermind. Not important." He muttered.

"If you say so, weirdo." Allison bumps herself into Eddie who just stumbled only slightly, looking down at her with a tiny glare. "Sorry." She giggles and then grabbed Eddie's arm, clinging to his side. "Woah, hey!" She exclaimed when Dustin starts running.

All of the others are quick to follow, the boy's pace picking up as Eddie calls out for him to slow down. And the boy turns to look over his shoulder, at Allison and Eddie, "I think we're getting close." He says and turned back around, nearly stepping in the water but Eddie grabbed the back of his shirt and Allison reached out in time to clutch his arm.

"Watch your step, big guy." Eddie says and Allison sighs as the others came to join them. There, they stood at the edge of Lovers' Lake. "Oh man, you gotta be shitting me." Steve says at the sight of the lake. "Yeah, I thought these woods were familiar." Eddie says as Allison glanced over at him, nodding softly. "Lovers' Lake." She says in sync with Robin who's standing to her left side so she glanced at her, smiling faintly at the girl.

"This is confounding." Dustin spoke up so the two girls quickly glance away from one another as Allison met eyes with Eddie for a split second. "There's a gate in Lovers' Lake?" Max says, looking around at them.

"Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening. Maybe Vecna's the same way." Nancy now told the group. "Only one way to find out." Steve says and Allison looks over at Eddie. "Where's your boat you mentioned?" She asked and he quickly looks at her. "Oh, yeah." Is all he says before he brings them over to where he had hidden the boat which wasn't that far.

Eddie pulls off the tarp of the boat he and Steve now carefully put into the water. "Easy. I said easy, man." Steve scolded him. "Sorry." Eddie apologized quietly as Steve turned slightly and held out his hand to help Robin. "Yeah, I'm just gonna do that." She sets her hands on top of Eddie and Steve's heads.

"Thank you." She says as Allison went over next, stepping between the two boys and holding their heads the way Robin had done. Eddie got on next, turning to Nancy. "Wheeler?" He says and helped her onto the boat as she thanks him. "Woah, woah, woah." Eddie held out a hand, pushing Dustin back. "Trying to sink us? This thing holds four people, tops." He says to the younger boy.

He says as Nancy brushed past him so he takes his chance to swoop the spot by Allison so the girl was between him and Robin. "It's better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max." She says and nods softly. "Keep an eye out for trouble." The curly headed girl adds. "You keep an eye out." Dustin exclaims.

He then mocks the shocked look on her face, "it's my goddamn theory." He says. "You heard Nance." Robin spoke up, sounding stern. "Who put her in charge?" Dustin asked. "I did." Robin replied as Allison was staring at her, smiling a bit smug. "Compass." Nancy held out her hand to the young boy now who begrudgingly gave it up, handing it over to her.

"Hey, here you go." Steve said and tossed Dustin's backpack to him. Then he pushed the boat out and jumped in, sitting next to Nancy at the end of the boat as Robin and Eddie row the boat. "You said four!" Dustin yells at them. "Sorry." Steve says quietly to him, waving slightly before turning away.

"Bedtime at nine, kiddos!" Robin shouted and Allison giggles quietly. The blond girl then handed the oar to Steve who took it of course and began rowing as Robin stood up, waving her arm exaggeratedly. "Miss you already!" She says as Allison grins widely.

"So... what's a Demogorgon?" Allison asked now and Robin looks to her. "Nine foot flower monster." She says and Allison squints her eyes slightly at the girl. "Cool..." She said, slowly nodding as Robin chuckles. "I've never seen one but Steve talks to me about when he fought one all the time." She said and Allison looked over, her jaw dropped.

"No way!" She says and Steve glanced up. "Yep. Well, not like fist combat or whatever. I'm not a lunatic. I had a bat with nails." He added and Allison slowly nods, then pointed at him. "So... you're Batman and she's Robin." She pointed to the Buckley girl to her side.

Eddie snorts softly at that as Nancy glanced up, furrowing her brows. "Batman and Robin?" Allison says and no one understood. "I'm sorry?" Robin says and Allison sighs. "Forget it." She murmured. "Batman is a DC comic... Robin's his side-kick." Eddie glanced over his shoulder at the others. "Allison's favourite comics. DC, she loves Wonder Woman." He says before turning back around.

"Oh, I know Batman." Steve says and Allison looks at him. "His partner is Robin, they're nicknamed the Dynamic Duo. You and Robin are the Dynamic Duo." She smiles widely as Steve glanced at Robin, smiling and raising his brows softly. The Buckley just rolls her eyes but was still smiling as well.

After a while of just rowing the boat, Allison kept glancing to Eddie at her side who was facing the other way and using the other oar as Robin had been handed the other one so she was facing the other way as well. Allison scooted closer and Eddie glanced at him. "You okay?" He asked and she nods. "Yep." She rested her cheek against his shoulder suddenly so he just stayed like that, not minding it at all.














authors note next chapter sneak peek
allison: *staring at steve get undressed*
eddie: *also staring at steve get undressed*

not to mention allison having these lil cutesy moments with robin they're basically this ship dynamic and i love it

not to mention allison having these lil cutesy moments with robin they're basically this ship dynamic and i love it

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