Chapter Twenty-Six.

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WHEN THEY arrive to the War Zone, they went over the plan to discuss what to get before going inside, leaving Lucas, Dustin, Allison and Eddie in the RV. Dustin was timing the others that went into the store as Lucas is seated at the little table and Eddie was sitting behind the driver side chair, tapping his hands together. All while Allison was sitting in the way back, staring out the window.

"Hey Allie?" Eddie whispered, coming to sit next to the Godfrey who quickly turns to look at him as he sighed quietly. "Yeah Ed?" She says quietly and he just reached out, grabbing her hand gently. "I just wanted... to come see you." He says timidly and she just smiles faintly, glancing out the window again.

He interlocks their fingers together and followed her gaze out the window before letting out a soft sigh. "So, the drive-in." He says suddenly and she glanced at him quickly. "Sorry?" She says and he just fidgets with her hand in his. "Remember the drive-in Wayne use to take us to a lot? When we were kids?" He asked her with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah." She nods, smiling back and he just glanced down at their hands. "Would you wanna go?" He asked and she furrows her brows. "Like, right now? I'm pretty sure if Darren is still working there, he'd--" "search the whole car, I know." He says then sighed, softly squeezing her hand. "I mean, after, like, everything, you know. Once Vecna's gone-gone and my name is cleared for Chrissy's death?" He says, leaning closer to her and her smile slowly grows. "You asking me out on a date, weirdo?" She asked and he grins.

"Would it be so bad if I were?" He asked quietly and she just leans in, closing the gap between them to kiss him. Like actually kiss him, not that weird small peck she gave him earlier. And maybe it would've lasted longer, had it not been for Dustin Henderson loudly clearing his throat when he then begun pacing. "Where the hell are they?" He asked the two adults who were both flushed red, holding hands.

Just then, Steve came rushing into the RV and Eddie went back to his hiding spot behind the driver's seat where the Harrington tossed him a bag and Erica followed after him, telling Lucas they saw his old friends. She sat at the table with Robin and Nancy went back to the passenger seat as Max came to the back, smiling softly at Allison.

She smiles back as the redhead sat beside her and Dustin joined the others at the table and then the RV was moving. Max rewinds her tape on her walkman and Allison looks at her. "Kate Bush, huh?" She smiles softly and the redhead glanced up. "My favourite album." She says and Allison nods. "It's good. My style is more like Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Twisted Sister and Bon Jovi but Kate Bush is good..." She says, smiling at her and Max smiles widely, glancing back at her Walkman. "Yeah, I love her." She says and Allison's smile softens.

"Thank God for her, right?" She chuckles softly and Max glanced up, nodding slightly and staring at Allison before quickly glancing away, a forlorn look on her face. Because she sucks so bad with empathy, Allison just glanced away as well and Max slipped on her headphones, Running up That Hill blasting.

When they got to the big open field, Allison couldn't move even when everyone rushed out of the RV. "Hey." Robin came back in and smiled at her softly. "Hi." Allison says softly and the Buckley made her way over, sitting down by her, holding out a vest. A Dio Vest. Allison softly grabs it, smiling at her as Robin then held up a little hat. "I felt like this would suit you." She said and put the beret on Allison.

The Godfrey scrunched up her face. "Thanks." She chuckled and slipped on the Dio vest over her leather jacket. In Eddie's vest and Robin's hat she chose specifically for her. Allison felt her heart warm a bit as she glanced up at the sandy haired girl who's staring at her. Allison vaguely remembers Robin, she was a Sophomore when she graduated, but she felt a lot like a new found friend these past few days.

"I also got one!" Robin reached into the bag she had and Allison giggled as she realized they now had matching hats. "I love it, thank you, Robbie." She glanced away and Robin stared at her again, her smile growing.

"You're gonna be okay, right? I feel... worried for you and I've been where you are before, like half a year ago and... I know how it feels. This is new. And scary. But we're your friends now, okay?" She reached out and grabbed Allison's hand where the Godfrey's stare lingered for a moment before she glanced up, smiling at Robin who's staring at her empathetically. "Yeah, thanks, Rob." She says quietly and Robin sighs, slowly standing up.

"Better go before Steve's yelling at me because he's doing all the work... hey, you look good. In the h--hat and vest, I mean. Like... pretty, like really pretty. I'm sorry if that's weird but you've always been really pretty to me and I guess you look even prettier--" "thanks, Rob." Allison cut her off, smiling at her.

"You're welcome." The eighteen year old rushed out of the RV then, a blushing mess as she started getting to work with Steve on the molotovs. Allison glanced down and softly touched the buttons on Eddie's vest. She admires the pins for a moment when she suddenly looked up, fear striking her more than anything. They know nothing about Vecna, just that he was some fucked up kid who killed animals and his family, leaving his dad to take the blame for all of it.

She felt her throat close up and her eyes well with tears as she suddenly couldn't breath. "Woah, hey, hey, hey," Eddie rushed over to the back, falling to his knees before Allison, "breath, breath, Allie. Hey, hey, name five things you can see." He says, holding her hands and she looks around. "Your rings... your--your cute eyes, uh, uh," she glanced around frantically. "The window. The floor. Your nice hair." She reached up, touching the strands of his curly hair gently. "Good, good," he whispers, rubbing her hand.

"4 things you can feel." He says and she just gasped softly. "Your hair... your hands... your warmth... the chair." She said quickly and he nods softly. "Good... and three things you can hear?" He asked her and she closed her eyes. "Your voice... Robin and Steve talking outside, laughter." She says quietly.

"2 things you can smell?" He asked and she sniffed. "Your hair... and the outdoors?" She whispered before opening her eyes. "My hair probably smells like gross Lovers Lake muck but I'll take it." He chuckles softly then stared at her worriedly. "1 emotion you feel?" He asked and she gulps softly. "Um... fear." She whispers quietly and he slowly moves from the floor to sit down beside her. "Why?" He asked worriedly and in that soft voice.

"I'm scared. I'm so scared." She reached up to either of his shoulders and sobbed again. "Hey, hey, it's okay. Relax," he pulls her gently into his arms and she closed her eyes. "I don't wanna lose you." She held onto him tightly and he rubs her back gently. "You won't."

"Promise me, Edward..." She murmured and he chuckles. "Wow, this is serious, you're using my real name." He says and she pulls back to look into his eyes with her glossy green own. "I am serious!" She says and he just raised a hand to her face, softly brushing her cheek. "You won't lose me. I promise..."








authors note and then 😵🦇 yk. lmao 🙂

the oc's being charles, james, and now allison is added to that list 🤞😜

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the oc's being charles, james, and now allison is added to that list 🤞😜

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