Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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AFTER HER panic attack, Allison was feeling a little bit better, as good as anyone can feel when her potential... more than friend? Boyfriend? Future boyfriend or whatever, was threatened with demise and they had come up with a little plan to fix everything.

To help Max break free from Vecna's curse and to help Eddie walk freely away from the accusations that he killed Chrissy. But the moment Nancy started playing back the plan to all of them in a big group outside the RV at the field, she started blanking the moment Nancy mentioned Dustin, her and Eddie distract the bats by Eddie playing his guitar as her eyes land on the Munson who's smiling and glancing at Dustin who looks excited.

She smiles softly as well, also feeling the excitement bursting within her but for some reason, there was a glow about Eddie that had her feel worried for what's to come tonight. Everyone had geared up and were ready, sitting around in the RV. In silence. Eddie had taken it upon himself to swoop in and sit in the empty spot between Dustin and Robin which Allison had been eyeing, wanting to sit with them, so she settled for sitting with Erica near the table, smiling softly at the girl.

She smiled back kindly then glanced away, a blank stare coming to her face and Allison felt a pang of... guilt? Sadness? She wasn't sure. From what she learned from Eddie, the kids were all 15 and Erica is 11. That was so young to be wrapped up in all this.

When the first stop was them, Allison watched the three listen to Nancy and nod before all of them hop off the RV, Max closing the door and Allison let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding in. Then the drive to Eddie's trailer was next, as she glanced over at the three sitting together in the back.

All of them, even Dustin, sent her reassuring smiles which she returned, her gaze lingering on Eddie for a bit before she looked away, glancing to the two in the front. When the RV stopped, it's dark and they're in the middle of the woods. "Can I just have a moment?" She asked when all of them got to her feet. "Yeah, sure, Al," Nancy nodded and she smiles softly, getting out of the RV then shutting the door. She walked about maybe five steps forward then she screamed, hunching over.

All five of them in the RV heard her loud scream, glancing at one another as Dustin looks up at Eddie with a concerned look. "It--It's how she copes. She doesn't really like talking. Or... or feeling." He says and Robin frowns, glancing at him and then the door opened. Allison steps up the little staircase with a small smile, "okay, I'm all good." She said and plopped down onto the seat by Dustin. "Okay, go on, Nance." She gestures.

"Okay, well I just wanna run through it one more time." She explains and Allison nods softly. "Phase one." The Wheeler says. "We meet Erica at the playground. She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready." Robin tells her. "Phase two." Nancy says. "Max baits Vecna." Steve says and judging by the look on his face, Allison can tell she means a lot to him. "He'll go after her, which'll put him in his trance." He quickly adds as Nancy looks at him.

"Phase three?" She glanced over at the three by the table. "Me, Eddie and Allie draw away the bats." Dustin gestured to the two as Eddie shook his head gently and put a hand to Allison's shoulder comfortingly. "Four." Nancy says and Robin raised a molotov she then shook gently. "Flambé." She says.

"Nobody moves onto the next phase until we've all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?" The Wheeler now asked as she glanced around at them. "Got it." They all say in sync before they all got up, the three grabbing their spears and shields as the other three just grabs their weapons and Robin slings her bag full of molotovs onto her shoulder, following Nancy and Steve.

They made their way through the woods and to the Munson trailer where Steve went in first, flipping on the light switch and the others follow after him, staring at the gate. "Be careful." Dustin tells Steve who looks at him. "Thanks buddy." He pats his arm gently. "Here goes nothing," he says, stepping up to the rope and climbing through, doing that thing Allison did where he flips over halfway through. "Whoo," Robin says sarcastically.

"What does he want us to do, applaud?" She says, looking at Nancy who had been staring up at Steve with an impressed small smile. Allison rolls her eyes. "Gag me with a spoon, Harrington, I did it better!" She shout and Steve dismissively waves a hand, heading towards Eddie's Upside Down bedroom.

To prove a point, Allison climbed up and did the same thing, but stumbled slightly as Steve approached her with the mattress, "woah there, you did do it better." He said as he put a hand to her back. "Hands to yourself, Harrington!" Eddie shouts suddenly as Allison just rolls her eyes, lifting up the rope and Steve set down the mattress before Allison throws the rope over it. Eddie came through next and Steve pulled him up before his gear and their shields are thrown through next.

Then Nancy came through the portal and before Steve can offer his hand, Allison shoved him out of the way and held out her hands with a wide smile at Nancy. "Come on, Nancy baby," she says and the Wheeler rolls her eyes but smiled softly as she grabs her hands.

The Godfrey lifted her up with ease then Nancy's shotgun was tossed through next which she quickly took and slings onto her arm before Robin came through the portal next so Allison offered her hand at the same time as Eddie so they both pulled her up before Robin's molotov bag and their spears were tossed through which Eddie took then Dustin came through the portal next who Eddie and Steve roughly pulled up to his feet. "Woah! Be careful with him, he's, like, a little marshmallow." Allison says as she then squished Dustin's face.

"Kid's a menace, Al." Eddie says and Dustin's grin drops. "Yeah, he's a butthead." Steve said and Allison frowns at them. "Some friends you guys are!" She then tugs Dustin into her side, "I'll be a way better friend, Henderson," she says, smiling sweetly at him as they follow after Nancy and Robin to the front of the trailer outside. Dustin's arm sling around her waist and smiled widely back at her.

"I like you!" He says and Eddie glanced back. "And she's also like five years older--" "ew, don't be weird, Eddie. I meant platonically. I have a girlfriend." He says, rolling his eyes as Steve now turns towards them.



authors note in my mind, allison and eddie have a thing for each other but allison also has a thing for robin and eddie also has a thing for steve... bc i said so :D

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