Chapter Five.

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STEVE, ROBIN, Dustin and Max know nothing of the girl sitting by Eddie, wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, with a plaid shirt and a Metallica shirt, her nails are painted black, she has rings on similar like Eddie's style and has a silver ring piercing on her lip.

Her style had changed drastically in middle school, just like Eddie, who grew out his hair from a buzzcut and started listening to metal and had his own band as well. Allison was clearly influenced by this, listening to Black Sabbath, Metallica, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts and all. She even dyed her hair black.

Maybe she and Eddie were truly meant to be. They were sitting side by side now as Dustin and the other three stand in front of them and Eddie began explaining what happened. "Her body just, like, lifted up into the air and, uh... and she just, like, hung there." Eddie sounds more anguished having to relive the memory of how Chrissy Cunningham died.

With Allison, it was different because he knows her, but he has four pairs of eyes on him this time as he explained. "In the air. And her bones, uh, she..." He stopped and struggled so Allison reached over and took his hand. He looked down at their hands, gasping softly. "Her bones started to snap." He explained.

"Her eyes, man," he looked up at the group. "It... it was like there was something, like, inside her head, pulling. I--I didn't know what to do, so I..." He looked down suddenly, at his hand in Allison's again, squeezing her hand. "I ran away. I left her there." He said then he scoffs, looking up. "You all think I'm crazy, right?" He says and Allison sighs when he pulls his hand away from hers, putting it up to his face.

"No. We don't think you're crazy." Dustin says making Allison look at him. "Don't bullshit me, man! I know how this sounds." Eddie says and Allison sighs. "You guys really believe him?" She asked and Robin nodded. "We believe you." She said, looking over at Eddie.

The boy exhales out as Allison puts her hand to his back. "Look, what I'm about to tell you both might be a little... difficult to take." He says and Allison looks at him right away. "Okay." Eddie says, glancing up at Allison.

"You know how people say Hawkins is... cursed?" Dustin asked and Allison furrows her brows. "They're not way off." He added and Allison sits down again next to Eddie. "There's another world. A world hidden beneath Hawkins. Sometimes it bleeds into ours." Dustin explained. "Like ghosts and shit?" Eddie asked and Allison immediately looks at him.

"There are some things worse than ghosts." When Max said that, Allison squints her eyes and looked at Eddie who glanced at her. "These monsters from this other world... we thought they were gone. But they've come back before. And that's why we needed to find you. Thanks to her, we did." Dustin pointed at Allison making Eddie look at her right away.

"If they're back again, we need to know." Max says and Allison sighs. "This all sounds so crazy." She rubs her face and Robin spoke up. "That night, did you see anything?" She asked Eddie. "Dark particles, maybe?" Max asked nex and Eddie glanced away.

"It would almost look like dust, swirling dust." The young boy said and Eddie looks up. "No, man, there was nothing you could see or, uh... or touch." He says and Allison looks at him. "You know, I tried to wake her, man. She couldn't move. It was like she... she was in a trance or something." Eddie explained.

"Or under a spell." Dustin says making Eddie glance up at him right away. "A curse." He says. "Vecna's curse." Dustin says and Allison sighs, standing up all of the sudden before she walked away to stand by herself. "Who's Vecna?" Steve asked, looking at Dustin.

"An undead creature of great power." Dustin answered his question as Eddie looks at him "A spell caster." He says and Dustin says shortly after, "a dark wizard." Allison retched loudly, "oh, my God, I'm gonna be sick. Of all times I visit, it's during a time some supernatural bitch named Vecna's killing people?" She said as she looked at them, all panicked.

"Al... chill." Eddie whispers before he stood up. "Allison is... the one you mentioned before, right?" Dustin whispers suddenly to Eddie who just looks at him. "Shut up." He mumbled and Robin pointed. "We should probably get going... we'll be back in the morning, right guys?" She said as she and Steve head to the door. "Yeah. For sure." Steve nodded.

"Okay..." Max sighs, walking with them and Dustin looks at Eddie. "Do you need anything?" He asked and the older shook his head. "Al brought me everything I need." He says and Dustin nods. "We'll be back tomorrow, first thing." He says and Eddie just nods.

"Bye, nice meeting you!" Allison waved and Dustin smiles widely, waving back before he left and Allison rushed over to the end of the shack, kneeling down. She vomited into the water and Eddie just stood there for a moment. "Why are you puking, Al?" He asked and rushed over to her, pulling her hair back.

"Sorry, I--I just got nauseous and I don't do well with murder or evil people out to kill." She said and wiped her mouth. "Plus I've been picturing the gory way you explain Chrissy's death and you know I have a weak stomach... I also sort of ate some expired cereal for breakfast." She said as she plopped back and sighed, looking at Eddie who's brushing his fingers through her hair and relieved she didn't get any puke on it. She stared for a moment.

"We're always taking care of each other, aren't we..." She sighs, glancing down between them and he just smiles, looking away. "Of course... I promised your parents I always would when we were kids." He says and she just smiles, glancing up at him. "You were cute when we were kids... what happened?" She asked and he just fakes a chortle at her insult.

Allison Godfrey always made the bad thoughts go away. She really was helpful when he had to tell the others about what happened, when she grabbed his hand. Deep down, he knows why. He just can't bring himself to go for it even though everyone knows. Practically all the people their age know.

Just like he said, their classmates, her parents and his uncle knew. Shit, even Dustin knows. But there was this irrational fear that if it were to happen, Eddie would just ruin everything. And the one thing he never wants to ruin is his Allison. "Al?" He looks at her and she glanced up, humming softly.

"Yeah?" She says and he sighs. "I know it's not much and all I got is a boat right now... but can you stay? I don't wanna be alone and I suppose I can tolerate the gross smell of your vomit." He says and she hits his arm. "You're so mean! But sure, I'll stay." She stood up.

"Nice home." She nods before walking around then sighing as she approached her backpack. "I sort of brought a blanket and a pillow anyway. I wasn't planning on leaving you." She says and he walks over to her, putting his arms around her again. She figures after what he's been through, especially not only having to tell it once but twice, he really needed a hug. She hugs back tightly and he sighed, putting his hand up to her head. "Let's try to get some rest."


authors note
vecna is so slay
+ kinda like allison being eddie's only support system tbh other than the others, steve, robin, nancy, dustin and max

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