Chapter Twenty-Nine.

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THE THREE now stood in the livingroom, in a huddle with their backs to one another, spears and shields in hand. Allison had put all her hair up into a ponytail now and she tightened the laces of her boots, usually they're done messily and only half way up. The bats have been screeching and trying to find their way inside the trailer as the three spun around, keeping their backs together. It stops.

The bats stopped and Allison furrowed her brows. "Where are they?" She whispers and Eddie shrugged. "Hey dipshits! Give up that easily, huh?" Dustin practically screeched and Eddie is quick to shush him. "Is that really necessary?" He asked the younger as Allison glanced up, hearing noises above them. "They're on the roof..." She says quietly and waited as they follow the noise. "Shit!" Allison exclaimed and grabbed a nearby chair, standing up to cover the ventilation with her shield before the other two can act.

"Smart." Dustin says quietly in relief and Allison grins at him. "Thank you, I know. I'm a psychology student in--" "yeah, yeah, we know." Eddie quickly dismissed it, looking away and the Henderson looks at the older male. "Wait, are there any other vents?" He said and Eddie looked down the hall right away. "Shit." He says and Allison jumps down the chair, running behind the Munson to the bedroom where Eddie burst open the door then stopped at the sight of the bats flying through the vent.

"Shit!" He exclaimed as he slammed the door and turned to Allison, grabbing her waist before they're running back to the livingroom. "Let's go! Let's go!" Eddie shouted, he had his shield up protectively, following Allison who now rushed Dustin through the portal first before she was quick to follow, "Eds, come on!" She shouted when she landed on her feet, looking back up at him as he tossed away his spear and his shield, about to climb up.

"Come on!" Allison said and immediately felt her heart drop when he stopped. "Eddie?" She said so quietly he couldn't even hear her. "Eddie! Come on! You're so close! Let's go!" Dustin shouted, coming to stand by Allison as Eddie jumped down, looking up at them. "Eddie! Please!" She tried to shout but it was almost as if she couldn't even talk.

Eddie went over to pick up his spear and Allison is quick to act, climbing up as quick as she could as Dustin kept shouting, "what are you doing? Eddie, no!" And then the moment Allison got close to the ceiling, a spear came swinging and cut the rope so she went falling back onto the mattress. "Eddie! Don't do this!" She yelled, staring up at the gate.

"Eddie! Stop! Please, Eddie!" Dustin yelled, helping up Allison as Eddie picked up the mattress and tossed it out of the way. "Eddie! What are you doing?! Stop right now!" Allison demanded in an angry and frustrated voice as Eddie looked up at them. "I'm buying more time." He tells them and Allison quickly shook her head, frowning at him.

"Eddie! Eddie, no!" She shouted but it was too late, he was gone and she's stuck. Frozen. Her feet can't move and she can't think. She can't feel or process as Dustin put his hands to his head, clearly panicking. He tries to calm down, taking big deep breathes as he looks at Allison. "Allie!" He grabs her arm and she quickly looked at him, still not processing what just happened. "What do we do?!" He asked.

"I--I think I know." She rushed off quickly, digging through the cupboard she knows where Wayne keeps his stuff, fishing out a big rope she tossed through the gate the same way Dustin did. "I'm gonna go through, and you stay here, okay?" She grabs his head and he quickly shook his head. "No! I wanna go with you!" He says with tears visible in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, relax, alright?" She said and he just sniffled loudly before the Godfrey went through first, pulling the mattress back to it's previous spot before looking around and finding the spears. "Come on." She looked up and Dustin climbed through next. She pulls him up, "come on, grab your spear!" She told him and rushed out the door with him following through. "I'll check this way!" She tells him, running to the right as he runs to the left.

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