Chapter Twenty-One.

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     ALLISON WAS smiling but then the ground shook, making all frightened, Eddie grabbing onto Allison who grabs onto Robin. They fell to the ground together, Eddie behind Allison who had an arm securely around Robin's waist. The Godfrey looked over and saw Steve had grabbed onto Nancy and held onto the rock, making her roll her eyes slightly.

When it stopped, a loud screech came from the distance so Allison slowly sat up, looking off into the sky with furrowed brows. Eddie and Robin slowly sat up, looking around. "So guns seem like a pretty good idea to me." Eddie spoke up from the left side of Allison. "Yeah, me too." Robin quickly looks at them.

"So what are we waiting for?" Steve slipped on the denim vest and took out the flashlight, passing by the trio who glance up before getting up and following him and Nancy. On the way to the Wheeler house, the girls go ahead at some point as Allison sighed. "This place gives me the heebie-jeebies." She spoke up, looking all around them. "Me too. Couldn't we have tried a road, or something just slightly less creepy?" Robin looks at Nancy.

"I think we're getting close. We're almost out of here. Don't worry." Nancy says and Allison sighs. "Eddie. Eddie, hey, man. Uh..." She had glanced back when she heard Steve call out to the boy. She furrows her brows, smiling faintly before looking back to the front. "Allie," Robin grabs her arm. "Yeah?" She looks up. "Are you doing okay?" The taller then asked.

"Yeah, Robin..." The shorter merely replied and sighed. "Are you?" She leaned closer and Robin just chuckled. "As okay as anyone can be travelling through the interdimensional version of their home." She sighed quietly and Allison sighed, looking all around.

"If you really think about it... there could be far worse than those Demogorgons and dogs you guys mentioned. I mean, look at the fucking bats, tou know? What if... what if there's monsters that are bigger? Like the Mind flayer you guys mentioned. Like, we know nothing of this world, so who knows, you know?" Allison was now rambling on and on, making Robin grab her shoulder gently.

"Chill out, you're starting to sound like me." She says and Allison looks at her, chuckling softly. "Sorry..." She looks away and Robin just smiles softly. "It's okay." She says and Allison sighs, looking back just to see Steve and Eddie are still talking. She furrows her brows, watching them before turning back around and continuing to walk alongsides of Robin, sighing. "What do you think Eddie and Steve are talking about?" The taller asked.

"Guy stuff." Allison shrugs as she glanced up at the girl who furrows her brows. "What exactly is guy stuff?" She asked and the shorter sighs. "Girls, drinking, parties? Music?" She says, shrugging softly and Robin just chuckled. "Probably you." She says.

"Me? Why not you?" Allison says, furrowing her brows and Robin shrugs. "Like I said, Steve and I are platonic with a capital P." She says and Allison nods. "Good." She says making the blonde girl look at her right away so she quickly glanced back up at her. "I mean, I just mean like, even Steve Harrington, king of Hawkins high, someone like him can't... get a girl like you." She explains and Robin gave a bit of a confused look. "A girl like me?"

Allison couldn't just outwardly say she can sense how lesbian Robin was and that she feels like that's the reason for Robin and Steve's Platonic-with-a-capital-P friendship, that'd make her look crazy if she turned out to be wrong. "You know, someone cool. Like... I was, or that Eddie was, you know, someone I'd probably hang out with." She says.

Robin just glanced away, smiling. "Really?" She glanced back. "Yeah." Allison nods then glanced away, sighing. "I didn't really get along with anyone else, except for Eddie and Michelle. I'm not a very friendly person, no." She says and Robin chuckled at that.

"I'd say you're friendly... and you're really kind to me despite not knowing me all that well." She says and Allison just sent her a small smile then flinched when she felt a hand grab hers. "Hey. Sorry, didn't mean to spook you." Eddie says, throwing their connected hands over her head so that his arm rested on her shoulders. "You didn't..." She says quickly as Robin started walking ahead of the two.

"You nearly jumped higher than your height so I beg to differ, Al." He says making her roll her eyes then another earthquake hit, making them both fall down, "here we go again." Eddie said, one hand on a tree and one arm wrapped around Allison tightly.

"Second on my list of least favourite things, earthquakes. Seriously, I'm unsteady enough as it is." Robin said, glancing at Nancy to the side then back at Allison and Eddie. An unreadable expression flashed on her face. While the ground still shook, Nancy started rushing off. "Nancy!" Allison and Robin shout after her. "Where are you going?" The taller of the two exclaim as Allison had gotten up, coming over to Robin's side. "Nancy!" The Godfrey shouted but Nancy kept going.

The other four jog over to where Nancy had stopped, "Nancy!" Robin says as she got to her left side and Allison stood to her right. The two men came to Allison's right side, all five standing in a line together. Red lightning flashes in the dark clouds as they can spot Nancy's house, not far from where they stood.

"Come on."












authors note i wanna brush and braid eddie's hair so bad. or argyle's. i like keeping my hair short but i love when people have long hair, both my niece and nephew do, so does my best friend and also my oldest sister. basically long hair on others >> long hair on me 😭
anyways updates will now be at 9 am eastern time again. it went from 9 am, to 12:20 pm, now it's back to 9 am lmao

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