Chapter Twenty-Two.

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     THE FIVE young adults now enter Nancy's home, or well, the Upside Down version of it, all looking around. "Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler." Robin says and Allison raises her brows, amused as she looks around. "Come on." Nancy looks over at them.

"I don't want to stay here longed than we have to." She tells the other four. The girls headed up the stairs with Eddie and Steve behind them but the Harrington had stayed back which they didn't notice as they enter Nancy's room behind her quickly. She went over to the closet and the girls stood by as Nancy took out a shoebox and brought it over to the desk, setting it down as the two girls stood on either side, Eddie standing right behind Allison.

She opens the box to a pair of heels. "You have guns disgused as heels?" Allison said, looking at Nancy with her jaw dropped making the Wheeler look at her with a confused look. "You're a college student... maybe act like one?" She says and Allison just frowned.

"I am smart." She whispers and Nancy looks away, sighing. "I don't understand." She says. "Maybe you left them somewhere else." Eddie suggested, looking at her. "There's a six-year-old in the house. I know where I keep my guns." Nancy says firmly, glancing at Eddie as Allison tilted her head to the side. "And also, I threw these away years ago." Nancy adds, looking back at the heels.

She then picks up a bunch of flashcards off the desk, flipping through them. "I get that grades are important, but perhaps studying can wait til we get out?" Robin pipes up as Nancy glanced up. "These are from Sophomore chemistry. And this... this wallpaper," she pointed at the walls, "this is old wallpaper." She added on as Allison furrows her brows.

"And this mirror," she walks away, over to the dresser, "this went to a yard sale." She looks around her Upside Down bedroom. "And you..." She walks over and picked up a stuffed toy off the bed. "You're not supposed to be here. No, I gave you to cousin Joanna two years ago." She then went around the bed to the little table by it, picking up a journal as Allison looked at Eddie and Robin.

"I--I don't understand." Robin spoke up, staring at Nancy as the girl flips through her pages. She stops suddenly, just standing there in silence as Allison furrows her brows. "What is it?" Eddie asked the Wheeler. "Wheeler, you're freaking me out." Allison spoke up.

"I think the reason that my guns aren't here is because they don't exist yet." She says and the three just stare at her, confused. "They don't... exist?" Allison says, sounding a bit annoyed. "This diary," she turns to them, holding up the book, "should be full of entries. It's not. The last entry is November 6, 1983. The day Will went missing. The day the gate opened. We're in the past." She tells the trio.

"Huh... that's crazy. That means at least my parents own a house and still love each other and me." Allison said, laughing as the others stare at her in concern. "Yeah, sorry. Wrong timing. Just a joke..." She said and cleared her throat, looking all around. "Dustin!" A shout came from downstairs making them all look to the door quickly and realize Steve isn't with them, so they rushed out the room and down the stairs to find the Harrington in the dining room area, shouting for Dustin.

"Can you hear me? Dustin! Dust-- Hello? Hello?!" Steve yells as he looks around franctically, looking a bit insane. "Maybe he really does have rabies." Robin says, leaning to Nancy as they watch the Harrington. "Steve, what are you doing?" Nancy says. "Hello!" The man exclaims, pointing his flashlight at them. They raise their hands to shield their face as he walks over. "He's here. Henderson. That little shit, he's here. He's like... he's in the walls or something. Just listen." He tells them as Allison furrowed her eyebrows.

"Dustin." He says and the other four are just confused. "Dustin! Dustin! Dustin! Dustin! Can you hear me?" He shouted as the others listened and eventually heard what Steve was hearing. "That brings us to the question you first raised. How and why is there a gate at Lover's Lake? Let's analyze." The group of five started shouting for the teenager.

Eddie tugs back a curtain, "Dustin?" He calls out. "Dustin!" Allison and Robin shout out. "Alright, either this kid can't hesr us or he's being a total douchebag." Steve says and Allison sighs. "Will found a way." Nancy says making them all look over at her.

"What?" Steve says, confused and Nancy looks at him. "Will. He found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights." She walks over to a lamp. "Lights?" Allison says, confused. "Yeah." Nancy flicks the lamp on and off. "The switch. Try the switch." Steve says, standing behind her so she agrees, flipping the switch on the wall off and on repeatedly like the lamp.

Steve looks over at the chandelier which Allison had been staring at. "It's not working." Nancy says, sounding frustrated. "Uh... take a look at this, Wheeler." She said and Nancy looks over as Steve kept his light on the chandelier. Allison slowly approached the table beneath the chandelier as Nancy came over to her side, Eddie and Robin looking over as Steve stood on the other side of Nancy.

Nancy and Allison both reached up and touched the bright specks of light around the chandelier. They swirl their fingers around, making the lights even brighter. "Woah." Eddie says as he walks over to them with Robin. Nancy retracts her hands as Allison kept hers there, smiling faintly. "Shit, this place is so much cooler than our world." She tells them.

The others reached out, joining her. "It... tickles." Steve says and Allison snorts, agreeing. "It kinda feels good." Robin smiled, making Allison glance over at her then look at Eddie who's grinning widely. "Does anyone know Morse code?" Nancy now asked when she pulls her anyway again. "No." Robin, Allison and Steve answer. Eddie follows Nancy's actions, looking to the two short girls.

"Wait, does SOS count?" He asked and looked at Robin. "Is that..." He looks at Allison. "Is that good?" He says and the Godfrey's brows furrow. "Is it in Morse code?" She asked and he nods. "Then yes, it's good, Eds." She says and then sighed, glancing away. Eddie did so, flicking his finger at the lights to signal to Dustin, Lucas and Erica in the room.

"It's working."












authors note i've been trying my best to catch up on writing and also focus on work at the same time while simultaneously trying not to lose my mind or sleep lmao

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