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This is a VALORANT Sova x reader fanfiction. Warning, it probably sucks, but I hope y'all enjoy.

Everest, is a skilled mountaineer, even having completed the Seven Summits. By the time First Light occurred, she was on her way down Mt. Everest. She was caught in an avalanche; but managed to survive, despite becoming unconscious inside the snow. She awoke to find that she somehow hadn't frozen to the death, and the mountain had saved her from it. The mountain she was on at the time played a large impact in her powers, which all involve ice, snow and cliffs.

These are her abilities

[C]: Hillary Step; EQUIP to hold a swirling blizzard. FIRE to create a ramp of snow that allies can climb; but enemies have to destroy. One charge, 300 credits. (It is similar to a slope on one side, but a wall on the other.) Similar in size to a Sage wall, but slightly less health.

[Q] Ice Spear: EQUIP to hold a spear made from ice. FIRE to shoot through a wall/snow ramp. Deals 40 damage if you get hit. 200 creds each, two charges.

[E]: Ice Mine: EQUIP to hold a small fragment of ice. FIRE to place it down as a trap. ALT FIRE to aim and immediately shoot and trigger it. When placed as a trap, it turns invisible slightly, but has a wind sound effect that plays when enemies are close enough. When triggered, it turns visible and turns the surrounding area into an ice field, with ice spikes ringing the outside. Lasts ten seconds. A voice line plays when enemies are caught inside. Movement speed is decreased and so is firing rate slightly. Frostbite debuff applied for around six seconds. (Covers edges of screen in white, and does five damage immediately. If you aren't outside of the ice field in seven seconds, you take ten damage.
Voicelines: Ice field active. (When caught) Watch your step

[X]:  Himalayan Cliff/Treacherous Slope: : EQUIP to carry a pure white flagpole. FIRE to place it down and a cliff surges from the ground.  About three (maybe two and a half) sage walls high; able to be climbed by both allies and enemies. However if enemies attempt to climb, they holster their primary and can hold only a secondary, and movement speed is lowered slightly. Lasts forty seconds.

Disclaimer: Most of these events are not lore canon. Part of it is, but it is mostly not.

This gets better the longer it goes on, and ramps the pace up from Chapter Ten onwards and gets to the best parts there. Thanks for going through and reading my story, I really appreciate it!

Ice and Snow - Sova x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now