Chapter Twenty-Three: Arrival

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Author note
Hey everyone! Apologies this took a while to be published; had a bit of writers block combined with school and life. But here you are! Shorter chapter, but I have released 24 as well


Sova stumbled as he exited the Vulture, with Breach supporting the hunter. He hissed slightly when his bruised leg accidentally brushed against Breach's metal one.

Thin streaks of dried red accompanied careful cuts and bruises, along with one of his arms bent at an unnatural angle. The injuries covered almost the whole part of his body that wasn't covered by clothing. Skye had done a little to stop the major bleeding and patch him up, but he needed Sage's expertise to finish off the healing.

The whine of the engine shut off, and Sova glanced next to him, where Omen and Viper carried an unconscious Everest. A pang struck in his heart as he looked at her.

The group slowly made their way towards the medbay, where Sage had set up, prepared for injuries and revivals if possibly needed.

The door had been swung wide open, and Sage beckoned the group in. She directed Omen and Viper to a sectioned off part of the medical ward, and they followed her directions, placing the unconscious girl on the bed inside, and closed the door to it. It been built specifically for something like this, where they had to possibly contain a Radiant.

A small gust of wind announced the presence of Jett, who exchanged a quick smile and a soft, affectionate touch with Sage before taking up her post at the closed door, guarding it, for the time being.

Breach helped Sova sit up on one of the other beds.

Sage stood next to his bed, and moved to pick one of her Radianite crystals on her belt.

Sova carefully placed a hand on hers, and shook his head. "Treat her first. I can wait."

A small smile tugged at the edge of Sage's mouth, before she nodded. ''I can do that."

Sova watched Sage leave his side and nod to Jett, who stepped aside in order to let her pass. The wind radiant ducked under the door and followed her in a second later.

They came out a short while later, Sage visibly tired from the strength she used to heal Everest. Jett took her hand and helped guide her out, giving her a bit of time to regain her strength so she could take care of Sova and the rest of the injured team members.


Everest touched a hand to her neck as she sat up with a groan. She looked down at herself, blue and black bruises marring her collarbone.

The phantom pain of previous bullet wounds throbbed, even though when she looked, there were no injuries.

Everest glanced around to see walls seemingly pressing in on her.

A hint of panic bubbled up in her chest as she saw the VALORANT insignia on the door.

It opened after a few minutes, and an agent walked in. She recognised him as Sova.

Her once-loved.

He crouched down next to her, and looked at her softly. A hint of something still sparked in his gaze.

She hesitated, and turned away from him, thoughts tumbling in her head as he continued to stare at her.

They said nothing, but the weight of the silence carried a thousand words.

The only thing was, could she trust them? After everything that had happened, after everything she had learned?


As he crouched besides Everest, he saw how much influence Ravinskar had held over her for those seven months in her gaze. When she refused to look at him, when she turned away. She didn't speak like she usually did. Everest seemed more serious, instead of laughing and making jokes. She was no longer as carefree as she was before.

He needed to break it, break the hold Ravinskar had over her.

He needed to break the man into pieces.

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