Chapter Nineteen: Found

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Shorter chapter for today as the next one is a little longer. Enjoy!

Months Lost: 6.3

Static buzzed over the intercom before a certain broker's voice started to speak.

"Everyone, meet in the debriefing  room. I have important information to share regarding our ongoing search."

Sova looked up suddenly, and opened the door. He walked fast, almost close to a run, and entered the debriefing  room.

The group of duelists turned their gaze to him, and looked back to each other.

Cypher walked in, and exchanged a glance with Sova, and proceeded to set up a projector and screen.

They waited for the rest of the agents to funnel in, and Sova's heart rate quickened slightly. He was about to receive news, good or bad. Sova hoped it was going to be good.

The rest of the agents took a seat, and looked over at Cypher and Brimstone, ready for the briefing.

"Hello everyone. Our search has been in progress for around six and a half months, which is a very long time considering the nature of our situation. Ravinskar has been very careful about covering his tracks, and confusing his whereabouts, but he's finally slipped up. Foolish of him.

He left another email to Reyna, and didn't do much to hide where it came from. So, with the help of our lovely Fade, we have successfully managed to track the browser that sent it, which led us to a small area, sparsely populated. We had a look at known Kingdom activity and locations in this area, and we managed to uncover a large Kingdom compound at the heart. We believe this was off the radar for a while, and I'm glad we found it.

I have the coordinates, and when Brimstone calls for it, I can provide the location. I am almost certain that this is the location where Everest is being held, due to a slight increase in both staff and Radianite signatures."

Cypher pointed to a highlighted area, and everyone nodded. "We will send Sova, Reyna, Omen, and Raze. I want all of you to wear a tracker, and an earpiece that will be voice activated, so I can hear what exactly is going on. Your priority is to collect Everest with a minimal amount of casualties, and get out as quickly as possible. If you catch Ravinskar, bring him in, but he's not our main priority.

Sova, you are going to be our primary initiator. You are going to be the one to collect Everest, as you know her the best out of all of us.

Reyna and Raze, you are there in case trouble happens. Reyna, don't go and kill everyone, please. It's best if they're alive for now.

Omen, you are there as support and to help get out as quickly as you can, with your teleports.

That concludes the debriefing, so now I urge you to look at Brimstone for the rest of the operation's plan."

Cypher ducked out, and took his own seat next to Killjoy, who subtly took his hand with a gentle touch.

Sova took a small breath when he noticed the slight gesture of affection the two techies displayed with one another. He dearly missed doing the same action with his own love.

Brimstone nodded and took up a stance at the front.

"Agents. You will have three days to prepare for the recovery mission. Use that time well, practice, and ready yourself. Especially the four of you who are going to be on the field. The rest of you, prepare our various areas and get ready to assist when we bring her back, and healers be ready in case there are injuries. Phoenix, Kay/O is going to take the time and teach you evasive air maneuvers in case you are chased.

This meeting is dismissed."

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