Chapter Twenty-Four: One Who Caused Death

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"Strike team inbound. ETA twenty minutes until touchdown."

Sova and Reyna sat inside the Vulture, being flown towards Ascent at a quick pace.

Cypher had gotten a lead on Ravinskar's flight.

The two were there to finally end his threat once and for all, per Reyna's request. She was going to enjoy it.

Twenty minutes later, they landed on the edge of the floating city, and the door opened with a hiss of steam.

Reyna and Sova jumped out, and started to search for their target.

"Reyna. Over here," Sova called, pointing down a street. "The tracks lead there. They are fresh, he's still around if you can catch him before he leaves again."

The vampire nodded, a thrill running through her body as she ran through the streets, turning every now and then.

Suddenly, a sharp intake of breath, a pistol cocking, the feeling of being aimed at stopped her in her tracks. A bullet whizzed past her, and footsteps started to run. She smiled and gave chase.

They didn't run far, her target turning towards the Vulture's location, running swiftly towards it. He was probably hoping to steal the vehicle, to escape using it.

Reyna sprinted after Ravinskar as he ran, Vandal in hand. She put the stock up her shoulder, aimed down the sight, and shot only two bullets.

They connected with his ankles, and he cried out in sudden pain as he tripped and fell over.

Ravinskar grabbed his ghost with one hand, and tried to help himself up with the other.

Reyna caught up to him, and just as he placed his hand on the ground to heave himself up again, she kicked his hand out with a heavy blow.

He grunted as the vampire stood over him. She holstered her gun for the time being, and looked down at him, rage and sadistic excitement showing through her expression.

She kicked his weapon away, and pressed one foot onto his arm, grabbing his hand and pulling it up with a sharp yank. The harsh sound of bone splitting cracked, and he yelled.

"This one's for the betrayal," hissed Reyna.

She put all of her weight onto her foot, and shattered the bone in his upper arm, causing him to scream again.

Reyna stepped off, raised her boot again and crushed his fingers underneath the sole of the hard combat footwear. Moisture pooled at the edges of his eyes.

"This one's for what you did to all the little ones you stole from me."

The vampiric Radiant pulled his other arm up and twisted it at an unnatural angle, the sickening noise of bone splintering music to her ears.

"And this one is for what you did to Everest."

The Mexican raised her boot and kicked him in the face, and a nasty cracking sound split through the air. His nose was now bent, and blood started to leak down from it.

She bent down, and grabbed his upper right arm, and twisted it even more, giving it a final tug before a pop sounded, and it fell limp. The man underneath her let out a cry. "Mercy! Mercy, please!" Ravinskar cried, pain in his tone.

"Oh, mercy? Mercy like you showed everyone who crossed paths with you? I don't think so," hissed Reyna.

She took a step back, and started to deliver multiple hard-hitting blows to his sides, cracks and splinters filling the air. Ravinskar tried to hold back his cries of pain, as his breaths shuddered, his cracked ribs scraping against his lungs as they tried to breathe.

Reyna pulled out a small, elegant knife. She swiped it right across his torso, tearing his clothing and skin in the process. Reyna made sure it didn't go deep enough to kill him yet, but was certain in making it hit his nerve points, and he whimpered and screamed through the pain of it all.

The vampiric radiant stepped off of him, and looked at his broken, bloodstained body on the ground, and gave a cruel smile. "Go to hell, bastard," she spat. "You bloody well deserve it."

Reyna left him to bleed out in agony on the floor, keeping a hostile eye on him as she made her way over to the rest of the strike team. "It is done."

Sova watched Reyna stalk into the jet, and he glanced back at the whimpering form of Ravinskar. His usually-gentle heart hardened as he looked over, and his face set. The hunter turned and followed Reyna inside, refusing to give any more attention to Ravinskar.

Phoenix took a quick look, and raised his frenzy, turning away. He fired once, twice, the shots connecting with the suffering man.

Ravinskar stilled, dead to the world after he had caused death for so many others.


The ride back was silent, Reyna lost in her own thoughts as they traveled back. Sova glanced over. "You alright, Reyna?"

"Yes. I have peace again. Years I have spent hunting him, years I have spent lamenting the loss of ten of my young Radiants. They were children, Sova. Children, and this piece of shit decided to take them, exploit them, and they died in the line of fire. He deserved what was coming to him. Even more now, after what he did to Everest. I swore he would never do this again, and I made sure of it this time. I can finally let the past go. I can let my ten go, and hope they are at peace now."

She looked outside of the window, her arm tattoo glowing a bright shade of purple then fading back to its original black. "I hope his soul never finds peace. It wasn't even worthy enough for me to take, so heaven better not either. He deserves the lowest circle of hell."

Sova nodded, allowing Reyna to think. It was done. His girlfriend's temporary captor was dead.

Despite his gentle nature, he applauded Reyna in his mind for what she did to Ravinskar. He fully deserved it. A grim smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he recollected it. At least Phoenix had the heart to end his misery before they parted.

If it was up to him, he would have made sure Ravinskar had suffered twice as much for longer.

But it was done. He was dead, and there was no circumventing it. He would never show again.

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