Chapter Ten: Tracking a Traitor

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{here's an extra chapter for this week! Enjoy!)
Everest and Sova had barely arrived back at the VALORANT Compound before an overly-excited Neon ran out to meet them.

"Welcome back you two. Uh, I'm pretty sure Brimstone wants you both to meet him in the debriefing room. He asked me to come get you, so..."

"Okay, Neon. Let me drop this off, then I'll come, da?"

"Fine by me. Just, hurry up."

"Got it," Sova said with a light laugh.

Everest followed Sova as he dropped off his game bag to the kitchen, and moved back up through the familiar corridors to the debriefing room. Everest had never been in it before; not even when they were required to scout out Split. Then, it was just Brimstone coming to tell her. If they were going to be in the debriefing room, it must be an important mission.

Sova opened the door to the debriefing room in front of them, and three pairs of eyes turned towards them as they entered.

Brimstone, Reyna, and Chamber looked at them then glanced away, back to Brimstone. "Glad to see most of you are finally here, with the exception of Jett. Honestly, it will be a small miracle when she arrives on time," Brimstone said, exasperated. "Alright agents, listen close." The commander folded his arms as he stood behind the desk.

"Cypher, thanks to his recently set up security system, caught wind of our rogue agent leaving his mark around Icebox this time, where we hope to apprehend him. We suspect that he's been leaking information, or possibly joined Kingdom, and helping them. Sova, you will take our newest agent with you, and try and see if you can track him down. Chamber, and Reyna, along with Jett, the three of you are there to provide sniper and firearm support, and in the case of Reyna, you're there in case shit hits the fan. Take care of each other out there, and bring everyone back in once piece. The Vulture is being prepped by KAY/O and Phoenix, be there in 20. If Jett arrives, please let her know of her duties regarding this mission. Dismissed."

The group filed out of the debriefing room, and headed to the armoury as a unit. They all picked out their respective best weapons, and Reyna passed out spare ammunition and magazines to everyone.

After they collected their gear, they all went out to meet the Vulture, who's engine whine was very loud. Phoenix leaned against the cockpit door casually, admiring his golden ring. He looked up with a broad smile on his face. "Hey bruv!"

"Phoenix, I already told you. No, you cannot try my guns," replied Chamber dryly, as if he had been asked a thousand times before.

"Come on, I only wanna see what its like! It's not like I'm gonna break them."

"I said no.''

Phoenix laughed. "One day. One day I'll convince you."

Everest passed by him and stopped for a second. "Phoenix? How'd you get to pilot the jet?"

"My man Kay/O's teaching me. Said it'll come in handy or something."

Everest let out a small laugh. "Don't crash us then."

"I make no promises."

Everest sat down in the corner of the jet, and Reyna took her own seat only a little away from Everest. Sova had a seat on the other side, across from Everest, next to the French marksman. Jett was nowhere to be seen.

At least, until a gust of wind announced her presence, as the wind girl jumped inside and made her way over to the very back.

The engine whine grew louder as the side door slid closed, and a small buzz overhead sounded.

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