Chapter Two: Isolation and Ice

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Everest, terrified, moved along the side of the road and circled the ramp she just created. She reached out a hand to touch it, and found it like mountain snow, cold and firm, but soft to the touch. Sharp spikes of ice protruded from the flat front.
Withdrawing her hand, she looked around before going back inside her house. Moving towards her bedroom, she took her mountaineering pack and lay it onto her bed. 'I'm a Radiant' she thought to herself. Everest had heard of these people terrorising others, then suddenly disappearing even if they did nothing. She had to get out of her town; if not to protect herself then to protect those around herself.

She earnestly started grabbing multiple articles of clothing, food, and other essential items before stuffing it into her large mountaineering pack, and slung it over her shoulder; and strapped a lightweight canvas tent onto the pack. Everest gripped it hard, took a breath, and moved outside her back door, in the direction of the large forest. Taking a step outside her door, she looked outside before walking quickly through to the edge of the tree line.

Hesitating, she looked around before steeling herself and disappearing into the dim undergrowth of the forest.

She wound through the trees, stepping off the path and pushing into the deeper areas. Everest soon came upon a small area devoid of trees, but it had sticks and brush scattered along the soft green floor.

Gently placing the pack onto the ground, she set to work clearing the ground.

A couple hours passed before she was satisfied, and Everest set up her tent, and unpacked some of her stuff inside.

The day grew long as it turned into night, and she lay back into her sleeping bag, worried about how the rest of her life would look like after this revelation.

The quiet sounds of birds beginning to sing woke Everest, and she got up, opening the small flap in front of the tent. Ducking her head and walking outside, she made her way towards the edge of the tree line, towards her town.

She stopped suddenly after seeing something.

A multitude of people in white coats and others in black combat gear strolled around the streets, with a large number gathered around her house talking amongst themselves.

Some of those who dressed like soldiers were questioning those she knew; friends, neighbours, all of them. They looked nervous as the men gestured with their guns as they inquired.

She looked on with anxiety on what was happening. It seemed that maybe these people knew about her disappearance, and very possibly her newfound powers, from what she had seen.

Everest turned back, her breath hitching in her throat. She was worried for her friends, and about the new strangers.


A few days passed like this, new people arriving in armoured, black trucks. More people in white, more people in combat clothing. It was worrying.

Everest had to sit in silence as she watched some of those closest to her get into those trucks and be driven away; and she couldn't do anything about it without possibly revealing herself.

She continued watching before a rustling in the bushes ahead startled her. Everest stood quietly, moving away from the town and towards the source of the sound.

Coming upon her tent, she stopped dead. Standing in front of her was a man. He was a wearing a long overcoat with orange flame decals on the inside, and his hair was dark brown with orange highlights. His clothing complemented his dark skin tone.

"Hey! Everest, is it?" He inquired, with a smile on his face. The strange man had a thick British accent.

"Well-yeah," replied Everest, slightly suspicious.

"I need you to follow me. It's a bit risky out here innit?''

"Why? Where?"

"There's a group of people who want to help you, bruv. VALORANT. They also offer safety for all members.''

"People...who want to help me? Really?"

"Yep. We can teach you a lot of things. Would you like to come with me?"

Everest thought for a while, unsure but hopeful. Her intuition told her that this man might be someone she could trust.

She came to a decision a few minutes later.

"Okay. I'll come."

"Great! I'm called Pheonix. Follow me, and I can bring you to Valorant."

He turned away and started walking briskly, and Everest caught up with him as quickly as she could. Everest was slightly nervous as she followed, slightly excited about the prospect of someone helping her learn not to be afraid, so she doesn't harm anyone.

Ice and Snow - Sova x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now