Chapter Sixteen: First Impressions

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Everest was peaceful in the black surrounding her.

Suddenly, the peace was ripped away. Her surroundings gradually became lighter and lighter, until her eyes opened to see a very well illuminated room.

To start with, she was barely aware of the situation. It was almost like a dream to her.

Everest's eyes slowly wandered around the room. A metal table sat in front of the chair she was sitting on; with concrete walls rimming the room. Another chair lay by the opposite door. There was a single door in the corner, one that seemed to be glowing softly with the blue tint of Radianite. A simple bed lay in the right corner, sheets folded neatly.

She tried to move one of her hands up to her neck, where a throbbing pain lay at the back, but stopped when she heard the clank of metal.

Encircling her wrists were a pair of blue-tinted radianite cuffs, with the chain bolted to the floor. She was confused about this, and why they were on her.

Her mind was like a fogged mist; she could barely think straight, and only vague memories lay almost out of her reach. Everest couldn't exactly recall why she was here.

She could remember that she was a Radiant; and she had powers. But despite her slow searching for that power inside her, she found nothing. It was like a heavy blanket had been tossed over her power, smothering it completely.

The sound of a door opening drew her attention.

A lone man strode in, exuding an air of confidence. He took the other chair and dragged it up to the table, and sat across from her. The man bore a broad smile, almost kind in nature.

Everest felt uneasy, as if there was some secret thing inside warning her. She didn't know why; his face brought little memory forward.

Her gaze drifted to the golden K embroidered on his uniform, and a brief round of images surfaced. They were scattered, but she saw the word Kingdom in a few of them, and they brought feelings of distrust and worry. Words. Words in her head. Strange phrases and words swimming around in her thoughts.

The silence bore a heavy weight, until he finally spoke.

"Hello, Everest. My name is Ravinskar, and welcome to the Kingdom Compound."

Something about his name...

Everest fought to clear her mind of the mist, even if only a little.

The attempt was unsuccessful.

She looked at the cuffs circling her wrists and tried to move them around with no avail. They were firm and unmoving.

The man on the other end was patient, watching her with a still calmness. "You don't need to worry about those, Everest. They're for your safety as much as ours."

Something about his voice was soft, almost hypnotic in the way he spoke. Her mind, in its fogged delirium, almost quietened in order to hear him.

Her eyes rose to meet his, as Ravinskar lay his hands on the table.

Feeling anxious, Everest looked around, searching for a way out.

He gave a gentle smile. "No need to be so worried, dear one. You're safe around here.''

Something felt wrong. Deep inside her, something was warning her.

Everest shook her head. "I-I shouldn't be here."

"We mean you no harm, Everest. We're on your side."

Ravinskar lifted his chair and sat it down next to hers, and placed a soft hand on her shoulder. He lifted her sleeve to show a wound covered by a bloodied bandage.

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